PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Syl ™ (page 89)

This is my Sylveon after years of practice drawing. Don't give up!
Oct 22, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
They did a few times, a long time ago.
Oct 21, 2018 by sumwun
Heck yeah!
Oct 20, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
also i stopped caring about pointss and dont care about donvotes or up votes
Oct 19, 2018 by stall_fest

Hey, can you look if my answer fits good for a BA? I think this user forgot about BAing or this question at all.
  2 days ago by SeeYaLater!

lol. Remeber when yo lectured me about not caring about points
Oct 19, 2018 by stall_fest
Everything I draw is really detailed, it takes me 4 hours minimum to draw something digitally. I don't like showing them to people, but I am thinking about changing my grav to a demon I drew just for Halloween.
Oct 18, 2018 by FlappersFlappers
I’ll be honest with you, I don’t want to make a thing out of requesting mods to BA your answers. It basically takes away the asker’s autonomy, and it opens a whole can of worms in terms of the point system as well. Can’t be a good thing when we personally accept some people’s answers and decline others either.
Exceptional circumstances like bans call for some targeted BA selections, but otherwise my blanket stance is gonna be a pass — sorry. With that said, I may start doing some monthly BA rounds via the ‘no selected answer’ list like we used to going back a few years. We’ll see.
Oct 17, 2018 by Fizz
Oct 17, 2018 by Azelfeo
Also I don't know how to put on-screen text :/. But I recently discovered a super advanced pre-installed video editing software on my laptop so, yeah. And why don't you want to talk about Sun and Moon?
Oct 15, 2018 by Azelfeo
Comparing my videos to one's with voices make my videos seem kinda boring... But I try to keep them interesting. I also sometimes put some stuff to read about what I'll do next and just general info in the description of my videos so I don't have to talk. Part 2 of my Pokémon Moon video is really weird though (I didn't upload it yet). Because of my glitchy gameplay of Moon it will probably be finished by part 4 :/. The glitchiness should keep my Moon videos interesting (soon I'll even go out of bounds and do other weird things). I'm sure the game itself is enough to keep people watching :P. I also have to try to make videos about games people are still interested in or never heard of before. Games with dialogue (like Wuppo) are interesting too. Do people really prefer Pokémon videos (about the games :P) with guys that say, "Ooh!" "Whoa!" "What!" And just general talking throughout the whole video, they even read words for you. Plus my house isn't the best place to record my voice unless I want background noises/voices.
Oct 15, 2018 by Azelfeo