PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Zyla™️ (page 47)

I have a whole team of Pokerus Pokemon but one Shiny only in my lost Sword Playthrough. WHY IS THIS?!
Aug 16, 2023 by mee
I've gotten Pokerus Pokemon too. One of them was a Marstomp in Emerald. I just checked one day and there was a little mark. I've also had a bunch in trades in later games, but that Marstomp was the only one that I had gotten myself.
Aug 16, 2023 by Gau
But it is not a Makuhita

I forgot my grav password
Aug 15, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness
Alright, welcome! I’m going to go through my profile and cut it down so I can include a list of all the Mareep Cult members. I’ll be sure to include you. Hail Mareep!
Aug 15, 2023 by MangoBrick
In order to be accepted into the Mareep Cult, you will have to utter the words of acceptance and repentance. Repeat after me:

“I pledge myself to Lord Mareep and his following. Mareep is the sole creator of existence, and the purpose of my own existence. I thank the Lord Mareep for this blessing.”
Aug 15, 2023 by MangoBrick
The Quags shall rise
Aug 15, 2023 by mee
snom and EVEN mareep>bidoof
Aug 15, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Yeah! I've amassed quite the Type: Null and Silvally collection, thanks to lots of trading. Oh, and that Abra thingy where you could get hacked Pokemon. Got a ton of those, then traded them for Type: Null on the GTS. I have a little over twelve boxes full of Nulls (and Silvally), so roughly 360.

I can hardly believe it either.
Aug 14, 2023 by Gau
Brother is unisex
Aug 14, 2023 by melcakes
Yeah you can't instantly reverse what I've seen for ten years.
Aug 14, 2023 by MonkeyBusiness