PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for fizz (page 42)

I have a question in mind, but I'm not sure if it's allowing? I wanted to ask if there are any Pokemon where they can viably run both ghost and dark moves that do damage, because I only know Golurk runs a ghost and dark move viably. Would that question be allowed or not?
Oct 24, 2021 by -RisingManectric-
your uncle works for Gamefreak?
Oct 24, 2021 by neo magius
Ah yes, I have read that post multiple times and even starred it. I asked both of those questions cause the post didnt solve my confusion, you know.

First: I see, that's great! And sure, I'd link people to that post now that I know something like that exists.
Second: Alright, lets just hope they see that soon. And dont worry, I have no problem with people not selecting BAs, its their choice after all. I just like it when things are perfect, being the perfectionist I am. xD
Oct 23, 2021 by xPsydxck
Is there anyway to fix my problem about the 20 point, I don't know what you call it
Oct 23, 2021 by CinderBlast
i feel like u dislike me
Oct 22, 2021 by ~Silver~
fizzy poo
Oct 22, 2021 by ~Silver~
Fizz could you tell me why, every week my points or my score reaches 0 even tho i got 64 points and a couple of mins it got back. ( and my answers are not voted down so tis does not make sense please help me
Oct 22, 2021 by CinderBlast
Re: aaaaaaaa I also would appreciate it if you talked to the users about why they aren’t selecting ba’s
Oct 21, 2021 by ~Silver~
Also, this: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/397548

I didnt flag because OP has been active in the past week. They have a terrible record of selecting Best Answers (TY even asked them to) but they have atleast selected on a few questions. So I decide to ask you since I'm not sure what to do here.
Oct 21, 2021 by xPsydxck
Hiya Fizz. So this question seems to have both answers being worthy of the BA: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/397828

I've asked the OP on their wall to select one of them as the BA. Is that fine? Would you like to add something to it? Also, should we give the OP a time limit (say, a week) to select the BA, otherwise you'll select it on your own?
Oct 21, 2021 by xPsydxck