Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen TMs

Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen keep the same 50 Technical Machines as Ruby/Sapphire - this means many of them are different to their Gen 1 counterparts. However all is not lost! Several TMs from Red/Blue/Yellow - such as Swords Dance, Explosion and Thunder Wave - are now available as move tutor moves.

Each of the 50 TM moves are listed below along with their precise locations.

The TMs

01 Focus PunchFightingPhysical 150 100 20
Silph Co. (5F, southwest)
02 Dragon ClawDragonPhysical 80 100 15
Victory Road (1F, north)
03 Water PulseWaterSpecial 60 100 20
Cerulean City (Gym - defeat Misty)
04 Calm MindPsychicStatus 20
Saffron City (Gym - defeat Sabrina)
05 RoarNormalStatus 20
Route 4 (northeast)
Celadon City (Department Store - $1,000)
06 ToxicPoisonStatus 90 10
Fuchsia City (Gym - defeat Koga)
07 HailIceStatus 10
Victory Road (2F, northeast)
08 Bulk UpFightingStatus 20
Silph Co. (7F, east)
09 Bullet SeedGrassPhysical 25 100 30
Mt. Moon (1F, southeast)
10 Hidden PowerNormalSpecial 60 100 15
(Pickup ability, 5% chance)
11 Sunny DayFireStatus 5
Safari Zone (Area 1: east)
12 TauntDarkStatus 100 20
Rocket Hideout (B2F, northwest)
13 Ice BeamIceSpecial 90 100 10
Celadon City (Game Corner - 4,000 Coins)
14 BlizzardIceSpecial 110 70 5
Pokémon Mansion (B1F, north)
15 Hyper BeamNormalSpecial 150 90 5
Celadon City (Department Store - $7,500)
16 Light ScreenPsychicStatus 30
Celadon City (Department Store roof - give girl Fresh Water)
17 ProtectNormalStatus 10
Power Plant (center)
18 Rain DanceWaterStatus 5
Route 15 (northwest)
19 Giga DrainGrassSpecial 75 100 10
Celadon City (Gym - defeat Erika)
20 SafeguardNormalStatus 25
Celadon City (Department Store roof - give girl Soda Pop)
21 FrustrationNormalPhysical 100 20
Rocket Hideout (B3F, south)
22 Solar BeamGrassSpecial 120 100 10
Pokémon Mansion (B1F, west)
23 Iron TailSteelPhysical 100 75 15
Celadon City (Game Corner - 3,500 Coins)
24 ThunderboltElectricSpecial 90 100 15
Celadon City (Game Corner - 4,000 Coins)
25 ThunderElectricSpecial 110 70 10
Power Plant (southeast)
26 EarthquakeGroundPhysical 100 100 10
Viridian City (Gym - defeat Giovanni)
27 ReturnNormalPhysical 100 20
Route 12 (north, from girl in Lavender gate)
28 DigGroundPhysical 80 100 10
Cerulean City (defeat Team Rocket Grunt)
Celadon City (Department Store - $2,000)
29 PsychicPsychicSpecial 90 100 10
Saffron City (southeast, from Mr. Psychic)
30 Shadow BallGhostSpecial 80 100 15
Celadon City (Game Corner - 4,500 Coins)
31 Brick BreakFightingPhysical 75 100 15
SS Anne (1F)
Celadon City (Department Store - $3,000)
32 Double TeamNormalStatus 15
Safari Zone (Area 3: west)
33 ReflectPsychicStatus 20
Celadon City (Department Store - $1,000)
Celadon City (Department Store roof - give girl Lemonade)
34 Shock WaveElectricSpecial 60 20
Vermilion City (Gym - defeat Lt. Surge)
35 FlamethrowerFireSpecial 90 100 15
Celadon City (Game Corner - 4,000 Coins)
36 Sludge BombPoisonSpecial 90 100 10
Rocket Warehouse (northwest)
37 SandstormRockStatus 10
Victory Road (2F, east)
38 Fire BlastFireSpecial 110 85 5
Cinnabar Island (Gym - defeat Blaine)
39 Rock TombRockPhysical 60 95 15
Pewter City (Gym - defeat Brock)
40 Aerial AceFlyingPhysical 60 20
Route 9 (southwest)
41 TormentDarkStatus 100 15
Silph Co. (4F, southeast)
42 FacadeNormalPhysical 70 100 20
Memorial Pillar (put Lemonade on memorial)
43 Secret PowerNormalPhysical 70 100 20
Route 25 (northwest)
Celadon City (Department Store - $3,000)
44 RestPsychicStatus 5
SS Anne (B1F)
45 AttractNormalStatus 100 15
Route 24 (northwest)
Celadon City (Department Store - $3,000)
46 ThiefDarkPhysical 60 100 25
Mt. Moon (B2F, north of Team Rocket Grunt)
47 Steel WingSteelPhysical 70 90 25
Safari Zone (Area 2: north)
48 Skill SwapPsychicStatus 10
Route 12 (northeast, requires Surf)
49 SnatchDarkStatus 10
Rocket Hideout (B4F, northwest)
50 OverheatFireSpecial 130 90 5
Victory Road (3F, northwest)