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4 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Dewgong, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Dewgong Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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12 Answers

3 votes

Dewgong (M) @ Icy Rock

Role: Hail tank

Trait: Ice Body

EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 152 SAtk / 24 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

  • Hail
  • Aqua Ring
  • Surf
  • Blizzard

Touching Story of Trachy's, Love to read it.

Well, Speaking of Trachy, this is the Hail version of his set in a way.

Setting up his Own Hail being in a low tier, and then Aqua Ring, then he can Tank along with Blizzard and Surf.

2 votes

enter image description here

I love this set! This makes Dewgong a monster!

Dewgong! Abomasnows Assistant!

Ability: Ice Body Nature: Bold (+ Def. - Att. ) Item: Leftovers Ev's: HP: 166 Def.:166 Sp. Def.:166

Aqua Ring
Frost Breath

This is just an amazing set! First your lead needs to be an Abomasnow with the icy rock, then switch out to this monster! First you set up aqua ring. Then every turn you can get HP back from the Ice body ability, Leftovers AND aqua ring! You will get A LOT of your HP back every turn. Then you start setting up Stockpiles so you can set up and make your defenses sky high. Then you can use Frost breath which in Gen. Vl, it is stronger than Blizzard/ it is a critical hit every time to. Brine is STAB and if you got your opponents HP down to half, it will do double.

Good moveset
1 vote

Gen 7 ZU

Dewgong @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 100 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature

  • Whirlpool
  • Perish Song
  • Protect
  • Rest

Whirlpool traps the enemy and deals chip damage. Perish Song causes both Pokemon to faint in 3 turns, but if Whirlpool has been used, the enemy cannot switch while you still can. Protect to stall a turn. Rest heals.

1 vote

Gen 3 Doubles OU

Dewgong @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 248 HP / 60 Def / 16 SpD / 184 Spe
Calm Nature
- Fake Out
- Encore
- Icy Wind
- Protect

Dewgong is... surprisingly good in this format. Fake Out flinches an opponent, preventing their move and allowing Dewgong's ally to attack or set up more safely. Encore can be used to lock an opponent into an unfavourable move, and in Gen 3, this effect can last up to 6 turns. Icy Wind provides a form of speed control for your team, lowering both of the opposing Pokémon's speed by one stage. Protect allows Dewgong to block attacks for a turn while it's all can still attack. Leftovers gives Dewgong recovery, increasing it's longevity (normally I'd suggest Sitrus Berry for healing in doubles, but Sitrus Berry only heals 30 HP in Gen 3).

184 speed EVs allows Dewgong to outspeed 252 speed Adamant Tyranitar, as well as max speed base 100s after an Icy Wind. The HP and Sp. Def EVs allow Dewgong to survive a Thunderbolt from max SpA Zapdos after 1 layer of Spikes damage. The rest of the EVs are in defence.

0 votes

Gen V

Dewgong (M) @ Damp Rock

Trait: Hydration

EVs: 244 HP / 4 Atk / 8 Def / 252 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

  • Rest
  • Rain Dance
  • Waterfall
  • Ice Shard

Since this is going to be NU, you won't have instant Rain access (and I don't get why you would use this guy up there in OU with Politoed.) So why not set up the Rain yourself? You can then be fairly defense with the EVs given and Rest. Waterfall gets STAB and is boosted by Rain, so you don't need to have so much EVs in Attack. Ice Shard is for priority.

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0 votes

Double/Triple battle

Dewgong (M) @ Icy Rock
Trait: Ice Body
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SAtk / 96 SDef
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Hail
- Hidden Power [Electric]

Surf is STAB that hits multiple foes, as is Blizzard. Dewgong doesn't have much going for it, so I chose to have it be a Hail user. HP Electric is coverage.

0 votes

Dewgong (F) - Iron Ball

Role: Trick Room Tank

Trait: Thick Fat

EVs: 252 HP / 252 ATK / 6 SP. DEF

Brave Nature (+Atk, -Speed)

Drill Run - Covers Rock and Electic and is a great move anyway
Aqua Tail/ Dive- STAB
Icicle Spear/ Ice Shard- STAB
Fling - 130 base power with Iron Ball its good for pyschics and ghosts

This Moveset is for a Trick room team however Brave could be swaped for Adamant to make a Normal Tank

This is my first ever moveset hope it helps someone :)

0 votes

It depends on what you're using Dewgong for,but I have a moveset for stalling:

Nature: Sassy or Relaxed Ability: Hydration Ev's: 252-Special Defense 252-Special Attack 6-HP

Item: Damp Rock or Leftovers

Rain Dance: Powers up water moves/pairs with Hydration

Surf/Aqua Tail: STAB and Increased power from Rain Dance

Rest: Heals fully and cures status problems/pairs with Hydration and Rain Dance waking up dewgong in the end of the turn

Ice Beam/Sheer Cold/Encore: Cover up against grass types/Extra stall time

0 votes

Dewgong@Assault Vest
IVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
NATURE: Adamant

Ice Shard
Drill Run

Waterfall for STAB. Ice Shard for STAB and Grass types. Drill Run for Electric and Rock. Headbutt just because there's nothing else good to give it.

0 votes

Dewgong @ Leftovers / Icy Rock
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 96 Def / 156 SpD or 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Hail
- Drill Run
- Ice Shard
- Aqua Ring
I love dewgong although it’s stat and tier are not that good (i don’t wants to said it’s bad), but this set could help. The smogen’s one sucks in my opinion, and let’s see how this set works.
Item Prob:
I was suggesting two kinds of item: Leftovers and Icy Rock, it’s because it would let it get double healing after each turn (Leftovers) or let the Hail turn being longer (Icy Rock)
How to use this set:
First, try to use Hail, it will works well with icy body, which will let you recover back 1/16 % lives each turn, if you choose leftovers at your item, than you will heal back 1/8 % lives each turn, sounds wonderful, right? When you use Aqua Ring it will literally too strong, because you will receive back even more recovery of 1 /4 each turn. This would let you don’t afraid of toxic and burned damage that much.
The other two moves one has propity and another has ok power and covers weaknesses.

I though aqua ring only healed 1/16 per turn?
Yes, but after hail with ice body and leftovers, it would be 1 /4
0 votes

LGPE dewgong
AVs:200 in every stat except Atk+max amount of seel candy
IVs:Max IVs except in Atk
Bold Nature
Ice Beam/Surf
Ice Beam is STAB and can freeze.Surf is STAB,but can't freeze.Toxic is chip damage.Rest is its only way to recover,but is unreliable because it makes you sleep for 2 turns.Substitute allows you to stall,which goes well with toxic stalling.Overall,Dewgong is outclassed in LGPE,but can be used.

0 votes

Gen V (BW) ZU

Dewgong (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
EVs: 252 HP / 12 SpA / 124 Def / 124 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Surf
- Blizzard
- Rest
- Hail

Explanation: Dewgong is mainly going to be an annoyance to kill as its somewhat bulky and with the investments in both defence stats combined with its Special Def. boosting nature along with 252 HP investment it will take hits well and then dish them out with its average special attack and that small investment into SpA, it will be able to use Rest to restore its health to the maximum then more with Hail with Ice Body with more from the Leftovers, Overall, a solid Hail tank to use.

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