Haxorus stats

HP 76 262 - 356
ATTACK 147 269 - 432
DEFENSE 90 166 - 306
SP. ATK 60 112 - 240
SP. DEF 70 130 - 262
SPEED 97 179 - 322
Well if you are using Outrage then I would be sure that you want 252 Atk EV's and 252 Spe EV's.Then for Haxorus I would go for 4 HP EV's. Personaly I would chose Dragon claw over Outrage for the one problomatic reason of the 2-3 turns of use before your rampage ends.

HP 108 326 - 420
ATTACK 130 238 - 394
DEFENSE 95 175 - 317
SP. ATK 80 148 - 284
SP. DEF 85 157 - 295
SPEED 102 188 - 333
Once again I would use haxorus's stats because you are using Garchomp as a sweeper and I would once again change Outrage for Dragon Claw. This means you can sweep for longer and more securely without the confusion.