Hidden Power's type is determined by a Pokemon's IVs, which are predetermined before the Pokemon is caught/received and cannot be changed once caught. So basically, if your Reshiram has the IVs that cause Hidden Power's type to be Water or Grass, that's one step of the way done. If not, you can't change a Pokemon's IVs, so your Reshiram cannot learn that type of Hidden Power. For 70 base power, your Reshiram's IVs must be:
HP Attack Defence Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
31 30 31 30 31 31
*the above is for a Grass type Hidden Power.
HP Attack Defence Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
31 31 31 30 31 30
*the above is for a Water type Hidden Power.
Source: Tested on PO/Experience.
For further reading, see this. To check a Pokemon's Hidden Power type on side note, visit the Mistralton Pokemon Centre in B/W and speak to the man. In B/W2, it's at the PWT.