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How can you get a shiny Pokemon in black 2 without using cheats?

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2 Answers

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In general, the only way to get a Shiny is through random chance. Under normal circumstances, every Pokemon you encounter has a 1 in 8192 chance of being Shiny. There are some ways to improve the odds:

  1. Having the Shiny Charm, which increases the odds to 3 in 8192. You can get this by completing the National Pokedex.
  2. Doing the Masuda method when breeding, which increases the odds to 6 in 8192. To do this, breed two Pokemon with differing languages of origin. You will likely need to trade.
  3. The Shiny Charm and Masuda method stack together, giving odds of 8 in 8192 (i.e. 1 in 1024). These are the highest possible odds in BW2.
  4. Finding wild Pokemon in double battles effectively doubles your chance of finding a Shiny, since you are encountering two Pokemon instead of one. This is worth knowing if you can't do Masuda method.

The only exceptions are:

  1. You are gifted a Shiny Dratini (White 2) or Shiny Gible (Black 2) from Benga after clearing White Treehollow/Black Tower. Go to Alder's House in Floccesy Town.
  2. You can find a Shiny Haxorus at the Nature Preserve. You unlock this by obtaining the Permit key item from Professor Juniper after completing the Unova Pokedex.
  3. You can "guarantee" a Shiny through RNG manipulation, though there is a considerable barrier to entry for that, and in some people's opinion, it is a form of cheating.
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You have a 1 in 8,192 chance of encountering a shiny Pokemon. So, you have to either run around in the grass and get really lucky, or you can use the Masuda method, which is when you breed two Pokemon from different countries. The likeliness of getting a shiny then becomes 1 in 1,365.3.

Another way you could is:
> In Pokémon Black 2 & White 2, a new item is introduced called the
> Shiny Charm. This item, obtained when you have completed the National
> Pokédex, increases the chances of Shiny Pokémon appearing. As it's a
> Key Item, when you have the item in your bag, then the chances of
> encountering Shiny Pokémon in the wild is increased to 300% of normal,
> making it a 1 in 2,730.6 chance. If, however, you're using the Masuda
> Method to breed, it reduces it from 1 in 1,365.3 down to 1 in 1024.


Also, a way to get free shiny Pokemon is by beating Banjirou in Black Tower/White Tree Hollow and then going to Alder's house. Banjirou will then give you either a shiny Gible, or a shiny Dratini.
Another free shiny Pokemon is a Haxorus. Once you have seen all the Pokemon in the Unova dex, you will get a License. You show the license to the pilot in Mistralton, and he'll take you to Nature Sanctuary. In the heart of the sanctuary, there is a shiny Haxorus.
