What is the chance? Pokerus + Shiny + Perfect IVs
Pokerus in the wild is really rare, like Starpower said on chat. Shiny and Perfect IVs can be RNG'ed Now the numbers:
Shinyness Pokerus IVs perfect 8192 3/655361,073,741,824 = 1514015399
So a chance of 1 out 1,514,015,399
Pokerus Shinyness Perfect IV's
There are 32 possible values (0-31) for each of the 6 stats, which makes it 1 in 32^6 or 1 in 1,073,741,824!
As quoted from Pokemaster's answer, here, although (and I hope he reads this) he didn't complete the answer as the questioner asked the same question as Jof, but PM only gave him the IV chance :3. PM you lost me a BA xD