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I want to teach my ponyta some moves.


3 Answers

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TM01 - Focus Punch - Cianwood City Gym
TM02 - Dragon Claw - Route 27, Goldenrod City Lottery (Sunday)
TM03 - Water Pulse - Cerulean City Gym
TM04 - Calm Mind - Battle Frontier Shop (48BP)
TM05 - Roar - Route 32
TM06 - Toxic - Battle Frontier Shop (32BP)
TM07 - Hail - Mahogany Town Gym
TM08 - Bulk Up - Battle Frontier Shop (48BP)
TM09 - Bullet Seed - Route 32
TM10 - Hidden Power - Lake of Rage, Celadon City Game Corner (5000 Coins)
TM11 - Sunny Day - Goldenrod Radio Tower
TM12 - Taunt - Ilex Forest, Burned Tower, Celadon City Dept. Store (1,500P)
TM13 - Ice Beam - Goldenrod Game Corner (10000 Coins), Seafoam Islands
TM14 - Blizzard - Goldenrod City Department Store (5500P)
TM15 - Hyper Beam - Goldenrod City Department Store (7500P)
TM16 - Light Screen - Goldenrod City Department Store (2000P)
TM17 - Protect - Goldenrod City Department Store (2000P)
TM18 - Rain Dance - Slowpoke's Well
TM19 - Giga Drain - Celadon City Gym
TM20 - Safeguard - Celadon City Department Store (2000P)
TM21 - Frustration - Goldenrod City Department Store (Show an Unhappy Pokémon to a lady on Sunday), Celadon City Department Store (1000P)
TM22 - Solar Beam - Celadon City Department Store (3000)
TM23 - Iron Tail - Olivine City Gym
TM24 - Thunderbolt - Goldenrod City Game Corner (10000 Coins), Cerulean Cave
TM25 - Thunder - Goldenrod City Department Store (5500P)
TM26 - Earthquake - Victory Road, Battle Frontier Shop (80BP)
TM27 - Return - Goldenrod City Department Store (Show a Happy Pokémon to a lady on Sunday), Celadon City Department Store (1000P)
TM28 - Dig - National Park, Celadon City Department Store (2000P)
TM29 - Psychic - Saffron City, Celadon City Game Corner (10000 Coins), PokéWalker - Edge of the Night Sky Course
TM30 - Shadow Ball - Ecruteak City Gym, Battle Frontier Shop (64BP)
TM31 - Brick Break - Battle Frontier Shop (48BP)
TM32 - Double Team - Celadon City Game Corner (4000 Coins)
TM33 - Reflect - Goldenrod City Department Store (2000P)
TM34 - Shock Wave - Vermillion City Gym
TM35 - Flamethrower - Route 28, Goldenrod City Game Corner (10000 Coins)
TM36 - Sludge Bomb - Route 43, Battle Frontier Shop (80BP)
TM37 - Sandstorm - Route 27
TM38 - Fire Blast - Goldenrod City Department Store (5500P)
TM39 - Rock Tomb - Union Cave
TM40 - Aerial Ace - Mt. Mortar, Battle Frontier Shop (40BP)
TM41 - Torment - Celadon City Department Store (1500P)
TM42 - Facade - Goldenrod City Lottery (Friday)
TM43 - Secret Power - Lake of Rage
TM44 - Rest - Goldenrod City Game Corner (6000 Coins)
TM45 - Attract - Goldenrod City Gym, Battle Frontier Shop (32BP)
TM46 - Thief - Mahogany Town Rocket Hideout
TM47 - Steel Wing - Route 28
TM48 - Skill Swap - Saffron City Gym
TM49 - Snatch - Mahogany Town Rocket Hideout
TM50 - Overheat - Seafoam Island Gym
TM51 - Roost - Violet City Gym
TM52 - Focus Blast - Goldenrod City Department Store (5500P)
TM53 - Energy Ball - Battle Frontier Shop (64BP)
TM54 - False Swipe - Dark Cave, Goldenrod City Department Store (2000P)
TM55 - Brine - Celadon City Department Store (3000P)
TM56 - Fling - Rock Tunnel
TM57 - Charge Beam - Goldenrod City Lottery (Wednesday), Power Plant, Olivine City
TM58 - Endure - Celadon City Game Corner (2000 Coins)
TM59 - Dragon Pulse - Blackthorn City Gym, Battle Frontier Shop (80BP)
TM60 - Drain Punch - Route 39, Goldenrod City Lottery (Thursday)
TM61 - Will-O-Wisp - Battle Frontier Shop (32BP)
TM62 - Silver Wind - Route 6, Goldenrod City Lottery (Saturday)
TM63 - Embargo - Route 34
TM64 - Explosion - Underground Passage (Route 5-6) - In Exchange for RageCandyBar
TM65 - Shadow Claw - Route 42, Goldenrod City Lottery (Monday)
TM66 - Payback - Route 35
TM67 - Recycle - Celadon City
TM68 - Giga Impact - Celadon City Game Corner (15000 Coins)
TM69 - Rock Polish - Route 10
TM70 - Flash - Sprout Tower, Goldenrod City Department Store (1000P)
TM71 - Stone Edge - Battle Frontier Shop (80BP)
TM72 - Avalanche - Ice Path, Celadon City Department Store (3000P)
TM73 - Thunder Wave - Battle Frontier Shop (32BP)
TM74 - Gyro Ball - Celadon City Game Corner (10000 Coins)
TM75 - Swords Dance - Goldenrod City Game Corner (4000 Coins)
TM76 - Stealth Rock - Mt. Silver, Celadon City Department Store (2000P)
TM77 - Psych Up - Viridian Forest
TM78 - Captivate - Goldenrod City Game Corner (Free), Celadon City Department Store (1500P)
TM79 - Dark Pulse - Victory Road, Celadon City Department Store (3000P)
TM80 - Rock Slide - Pewter City Gym
TM81 - X-Scissor - Battle Frontier Shop (64BP)
TM82 - Sleep Talk - Goldenrod City Department Store Basement
TM83 - Natural Gift - MooMoo Farm (Route 39), Goldenrod City Department Store (2000P)
TM84 - Poison Jab - Fuchsia City Gym
TM85 - Dream Eater - Viridian City
TM86 - Grass Knot - Route 11
TM87 - Swagger - Shining Lighthouse, Celadon City Department Store (1500P)
TM88 - Pluck - Route 40
TM89 - U-Turn - Azalea Town Gym, Battle Frontier Shop (40BP)
TM90 - Substitute - Goldenrod City Game Corner (2000 Coins)
TM91 - Flash Cannon - Route 9, Goldenrod City Lottery (Tuesday)
TM92 - Trick Room - Viridian City Gym

HM01 - Cut - Ilex Forest
HM02 - Fly - Cianwood City after defeating Chuck
HM03 - Surf - Assist Kimono Girl in Ecruteak City
HM04 - Strength - Hiker on Route 42
HM05 - Whirlpool - Lance in Mahogany Town Rocket Hideout
HM06 - Rock Smash - Hiker in Route 36
HM07 - Waterfall - Ice Path
HM08 - Rock Climb - Professor Oak in Pallet Town after obtaining 16 Badges


For future reference, this very site contains this info on each respective Pokémon games page. For instance, here's the TM list for HgSs.

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This Should Help with Gen 4 and 5 games, [click me]
