Among one of my favorite competitive Pokemon. In my opinion it has the perfect blance of bulk, speed, and offensive ability.

Latias (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spd / 4 SAtk
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Roost
- Hidden Power [Fire]/Psyshock/Surf
Calm Mind Latias can function any weather, as it is able to endure the residual damage of hail and sandstorm, where it provides key resistances and speed, and take advantage of a coverage power boost in rain and sun. Latias's resistances (Electric, Grass, Water, Fire, Fighting, Psychic and an immunity to Ground) are each helpful to weather teams (electric and grass help out rain for example). The set it also relatively easy to use. Remember: Don't use surf in the Sun, and don't use hidden power fire in rain.
Calm Mind: Improves Latias's already great special attack and special defense. After a couple boosts Latias truly becomes a formidable offensive threat, as former threats, such as Alakazaam, Starmie, and pretty much any Special Scarfer, will have great difficulty handling it, leaving only physical scarfers and the occasional ice shard user with any chance of taking it down, and as with most special attackers, the pink blobs pose issue w/o psyshock or alot of boosts.
Dragon Pulse: Reliable STAB with good coverage that also handles opposing dragons. This will typically be the primary attack,
Roost: Recovery is absolutely needed, so the reliable roost takes the third slot.
HP Fire/Psyshock/Surf: Hidden Power Fire will typically be used in sun, as it is boosted and allows Latias to bypass threats like Ferrothorn, Scizor and Abomasnow lacking ice shard. Psyshock is a great secondary STAB that helps Latias get past Blissey and other special walls. Its also good for handling the fighting types that pose issue for hail and sand teams, though it may be used in any weather. Finally, surf's main target is heatran, and it also can dent tyranitar if sand is not up. It also hits most steel types for good neutral damage, especially in rain, and can hit the potentially threatening Volcarona supereffectively.