Face it. Being walled is annoying. Nothing is more frustrating than your sweeper being stopped cold, forced to switch out and give your opponent an advantage. In GSC, Advance, and early D/P, a lot of players had problems with walls. To solve this problem, the mixed sweeper was born.
It sounds too good to be true, but there is a Pokemon that could OHKO Blissey, Heatran, Celebi, Skarmory, Bronzong, Forretress, Swampert, and Gyarados. It can 2HKO Tentacruel, Cressilia, Spiritomb, Vaporeon and Zapdos? All with unboosted attacks!
You're probably like "duh, Infernape!" But... Infernape can't touch Tentacruel, Cressilia or Vaporeon. And it can't kill Gyarados either. It's got to be someone else! But who? There's got to be a Pokemon out there that packs enough heat to 2HKO every wall in OU... but a quick glance at the OU list reveals no answers.
Magmortar @ Life Orb
Mild Nature
68 Attack, 196 Special Attack, 244 Speed
Fire Blast
Focus Punch
HP Grass / HP Ice
Average Damage in the Standard Metagame: 92%
Here it is folks, the Pokemon that can 2HKO everything in the entire game with just one set. Thanks to Thunderbolt and Focus Punch, Magmortar manages to set himself apart from other Fire type Pokemon. His sky high Special Attack stat is almost 20% stronger than standard Mixape with this spread. With only minimal attack investment, he is able to OHKO Blissey, Tyranitar and Heatran switch-ins with Focus Punch.
Well enough explaining, lets check out some damage calculations. Stealth Rock is included in the "OHKO or 2HKO" thing.
Thunderbolt vs 252/0 Vaporeon: 62.07-73.06%. 2HKO
Thunderbolt vs 252/0 Milotic: 57.87-68.27%. 2HKO
Thunderbolt vs 252/0 Suicune: 60.4-71.29%. 2HKO
Thunderbolt vs 252/176 Tentacruel: 50.82-59.89%. 2HKO with SR.
Thunderbolt vs 252/252 Careful Gyarados: 100.76-118.78%. OHKO
The Gyarados thing was just for fun. Of course it OHKOs any Gyarados...
Focus Punch vs 0/252 Blissey: 87.40-102.92%. OHKO with SR.
Focus Punch vs 250/0 Tyranitar: 131.19-154.46%. OHKO
Focus Punch vs 168/120 Snorlax: 68.65-80.95. 2HKO with SR*
Focus Punch vs 4/0 Heatran: 84.52-99.69%. OHKO with SR.
Snorlax must be attacked after you Focus Punch it, but don't worry, a Thunderbolt finishes it off, even with minimum damage on both hits.
Fire Blast on 252/0 Celebi: 128.96-151.98%. OHKO
Fire Blast on 252/0 Jirachi: 128.96-151.98%. OHKO
Fire Blast on 252/96 Sassy Bronzong: 111.24-131.07%. OHKO
Fire Blast on 252/0 Zapdos: 72.34-85.28%. 79% chance to OHKO with SR.
Fire Blast on 252/0 Hippowdon: 81.67-96.19%. 2HKO.
Fire Blast on 252/0 Gliscor: 99.15-116.67%. OHKO.
Fire Blast on 20/0 Cressilia: 54.03-63.64%. 2HKO.
Fire Blast on 252/0 Cressilia: 46.85-55.18%. 2HKO with SR.
Fire Blast on 252/252 Spiritomb: 58.55-69.08%. 2HKO.
Obviously, Skarmory, Scizor and Forretress are all OHKOed.
To give you an idea of how stupidly powerful this Fire Blast is... it does about as much as Porygon-Z's Choice Specs Adaptability Tri Attack. In other words, very strong. Only Blissey can sustain repeated hits from it.
Last but not least, the Hidden Power of your choice will OHKO Swampert and Rhyperior, or Salamence, Flygon and Dragonite. It's your choice.
-Fire Blast will OHKO Alakazam, Azelf, Breloom, Electivire, Heracross, Jolteon, Lucario, Magnezone, Metagross, Mamoswine, Ninjask, Porygon-Z, Scizor, Shaymin, Weavile, Yanmega, Zapdos.
-Thunderbolt will OHKO Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Ninjask, Starmie, Yanmega.
-Focus Punch will OHKO Heatran, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Tyranitar, Weavile.
-Hidden Power Grass will OHKO Swampert, Rhyperior.
-Hidden Power Ice will OHKO Dragonite, Flygon, Salamence, Shaymin, Yanmega.
So there you have it! All of the sturdiest walls in the OU metagame are brought down by Magmortar, no problem at all! All it takes is a bit of careful prediction, and you can start destroying everything. Practice makes perfect, and believe me, you will need a lot of practice. Just remember to do the unexpected. Don't Fire Blast that Celebi, Focus Punch, and OHKO the Heatran or Blissey that switches in! Thunderbolt Bronzong and take down a Gyarados. It's a very difficult set to use, and requires God-like prediction skills, however, used correctly, it will be the most destructive Pokemon you will ever see. Good thing it's on your side.