I was looking for locations for ledyba and aipom in HG/SS. Ids there a way to CATCH them, preferably lower levels without head-butting trees? I'm just asking because I want to know if I don't have to go through the hassle of finding a million hoot hoots. http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/ledyba#dex-locations http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/aipom#dex-locations Thanks!:)
Aipom? Nope. You'll need to go waste your braincells bashing Trees to find and catch it. Ledyba on the other hand? Yes, there are other locations. Route 2 (Morning/Day) and Routes 30/31/37 (Morning) are the places where you can get it
Lazyba Braincell losing Aipom