Forgot to mention that different berries have different growth times, as I harvest trees at different times even if I planted them at the same time. So what is the time for each berry?
They all have a time period from 24 hours to 120 hours (estimated).
Source: Knowledge and
Hope I helped.
Cheri Berry: 24 hours Chesto Berry: 24 hours Pecha Berry: 24 hours Rawst Berry: 24 hours Aspear Berry: 24 hours Leppa Berry: 24 hours Oran Berry: 24 hours Persim Berry: 24 hours Figy Berry: 24 hours Wiki Berry: 24 hours Mago Berry: 24 hours Aguav Berry: 24 hours Razz Berry: 24 hours Bluk Berry: 24 hours Nanab Berry: 24 hours Wepear Berry: 24 hours Pinap Berry: 24 hours Cornn Berry: 24 hours Magost Berry: 24 hours Rabuta Berry: 24 hours Nomel Berry: 24 hours Spelon Berry: 24 hours Pamtre Berry: 24 hours Watmel Berry: 24 hours Durin Berry: 24 hours Belue Berry: 24 hours Lum Berry: 48 hours Sitrus Berry: 48 hours Pomeg Berry: 48 hours Kelpsy Berry: 48 hours Qualot Berry: 48 hours Hondew Berry: 48 hours Grepa Berry: 48 hours Tamato Berry: 48 hours Occa Berry: 48 hours Passho Berry: 48 hours Wacan Berry: 48 hours Rindo Berry: 48 hours Yache Berry: 48 hours Chople Berry: 48 hours Kebia Berry: 48 hours Shuca Berry: 48 hours Coba Berry: 48 hours Payapa Berry: 48 hours Tanga Berry: 48 hours Charti Berry: 48 hours Kasib Berry: 48 hours Haban Berry: 48 hours Colbur Berry: 48 hours Babiri Berry: 48 hours Chilan Berry: 48 hours Roseli Berry: 48 hours Enigma Berry: 72 hours Micle Berry: 72 hours Custap Berry: 72 hours Jaboca Berry: 72 hours Rowap Berry: 72 hours Liechi Berry: 96 hours Ganlon Berry: 96 hours Salac Berry: 96 hours Pedaya Berry: 96 hours Apicot Berry: 96 hours Kee Berry: 96 hours Maranga Berry: 96 hours Lansat Berry: 120 hours Starf Berry: 120 hours
Cheri Berry: 24 hours Chesto Berry: 24 hours Pecha Berry: 24 hours Rawst Berry: 24 hours Aspear Berry: 24 hours Leppa Berry: 24 hours Oran Berry: 24 hours Persim Berry: 24 hours Figy Berry: 24 hours Wiki Berry: 24 hours Mago Berry: 24 hours Aguav Berry: 24 hours Razz Berry: 24 hours Bluk Berry: 24 hours Nanab Berry: 24 hours Wepear Berry: 24 hours Pinap Berry: 24 hours Cornn Berry: 24 hours Magost Berry: 24 hours Rabuta Berry: 24 hours Nomel Berry: 24 hours Spelon Berry: 24 hours Pamtre Berry: 24 hours Watmel Berry: 24 hours Durin Berry: 24 hours Belue Berry: 24 hours
Lum Berry: 48 hours Sitrus Berry: 48 hours Pomeg Berry: 48 hours Kelpsy Berry: 48 hours Qualot Berry: 48 hours Hondew Berry: 48 hours Grepa Berry: 48 hours Tamato Berry: 48 hours Occa Berry: 48 hours Passho Berry: 48 hours Wacan Berry: 48 hours Rindo Berry: 48 hours Yache Berry: 48 hours Chople Berry: 48 hours Kebia Berry: 48 hours Shuca Berry: 48 hours Coba Berry: 48 hours Payapa Berry: 48 hours Tanga Berry: 48 hours Charti Berry: 48 hours Kasib Berry: 48 hours Haban Berry: 48 hours Colbur Berry: 48 hours Babiri Berry: 48 hours Chilan Berry: 48 hours Roseli Berry: 48 hours
Enigma Berry: 72 hours Micle Berry: 72 hours Custap Berry: 72 hours Jaboca Berry: 72 hours Rowap Berry: 72 hours
Liechi Berry: 96 hours Ganlon Berry: 96 hours Salac Berry: 96 hours Pedaya Berry: 96 hours Apicot Berry: 96 hours Kee Berry: 96 hours Maranga Berry: 96 hours
Lansat Berry: 120 hours Starf Berry: 120 hours