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if it does it would be extremely cheap

ferrothorn @life orb

enter image description here
relaxed nature
trait: iron barbs
252 atk/ 252 Hp/ 4Sdef

- .............

if you have a team of 6 ferrothorns with this move set in double battles, will you be able to do this?


pkmn trainer x sent out bidoof and bidoof

go ferrothorn1 and ferrothorn2!

ferrothorn1 used protect!

bidoof used tackle! ferrothorn1 protected itself!

bidoof used surf! the ferrothorn2 loses 1/5 of max hp

ferrothorn2 used explosion! ferrothorn1 protected itself! bidoof fainted, bidoof fainted

ferrothorn2 fainted


pokemon x set out bidoof and bidoof

go ferrothorn 3!

ferrothorn 3 used protect!

bidoof used tackle! ferrothorn 2 loses 1/4 of max hp

bidoof used tackle! ferrothorn 3 protected itself!

ferrothorn 2 used explosion! ferrothorn 3 protected itself! bidoof fainted, bidoof fainted

ferrothorn fainted


x sent out bidoof and bidoof!

go ferrothorn 4!

ferrothorn4 used protect!

bidoof used tackle! ferrothorn4 protected itself!

bidoof used surf! the ferrothorn5 lost 1/5 of max hp

ferrothorn5 used explosion! ferrothorn4 protected itself! bidoof fainted, bidoof fainted

ferrothorn5 fainted

now I have 3 remaining ferrothorn and have won the battle. have someone tried something like this and can tell me if its work? if it does it have to be the worlds cheapest strategy.


1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

I'll make it short - it won't work.

Not least because you're not allowed to have more than 1 Pokemon of the same species on the same team.

Also, if you wanted to go for Explosion, hold a Normal Gem instead.

Additionally, and Rock/ Ghost types will wall you.

I could nitpick, but those are the 3 main issues.

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ok. then i dont have to worry about ev training 6 new pokemons