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Not personal stats move set no legendaries


1 Answer

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That's quite a big question there... for stats you can find this by going to the Stats Pokedex page then in the drop down menu select Grass, then sort by the last column.

Here's a summary for lazy people:
NORMAL: Slaking
FIRE: Arcanine
WATER: Gyarados/Kingdra/Milotic
ELECTRIC: Electivire
GRASS: Tangrowth
ICE: Lapras
FIGHTING: Infernape
POISON: Crobat
GROUND: Garchomp
FLYING: Dragonite/Salamence
PSYCHIC: Metagross
BUG: Yanmega
ROCK: Tyranitar
GHOST: Dusknoir
DRAGON: Dragonite/Salamence/Garchomp
DARK: Tyranitar
STEEL: Metagross

For movesets you'll have to go and do research yourself, there's no definite movepool that's better than others, they could have more possible moves but another Pokemon could have more variety of types, for example.

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