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I'm playing White 2 and I'm ready to battle Drayden, but I need an Ice or Dragon type to do so. Any advice?


2 Answers

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Ice types available before Drayden
Cubchoo/Beartic (Route 7, winter only)
Lapras (Village Bridge, surfing in rippling water)
Spheal/Sealeo/Walrein (Undella Bay, winter only)
Dewgong (Seaside Cave)

Dragon types available before Drayden
Vibrava/Flygon (Desert Resort, Reversal Mountain)
Axew/Fraxure/Haxorus (Mistralton Cave)
Altaria (Route 14)

You will need to evolve some of these Pokemon to obtain them. For example, only Seel, not Dewgong, can be found in the Seaside Cave before Drayden.

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You do not need an Ice or Dragon type to defeat Drayden. If your Pokemon are levelled enough and have strong neutral attacks, they will be fine. If you insist, however:

  • In Mistralton Cave, you can catch Axews.
  • Route 7 houses some Cubchoo.
He wants one