PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
5 votes

If he can, then I have a perfect moveset that works well with his ability and his stats...I'll tell what it is once I get an answer.

What's a priority move, like Quick Attack?

4 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Yes. Rampardos, as of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, can learn Endure (priority +1), Focus Punch (-3), and Roar (-3), Whirlwind (-6), and Dragon Tail )-6). If it was from Generation 4, it could learn Avalanche in those games (priority -4).

While some are not positive priority moves, they are priority moves nonetheless. Note that this is a list of all moves Rampardos has ever been capable of learning. It does not necessarily indicate that a Rampardos can legally obtain all these moves at once.


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9 votes

No,Rampardos doesn't learn any priority move,if he did,that would be unfair to the metagame as he would be able to OHKO most Pokemon with his high attack and the ability to out-speed non-priority users

6 votes

I searched up what a Priority move is, and no, Rampardos cannot learn a priority move at all. Look at this:


0 votes

No,it cant,my one didn't.
