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2 votes

I've recently been almost thrashed by one with the moveset Encore, Substitute, Leech Seed and Giga Drain. But how on earth are you meant to defeat it? Please help, for my, and everyone else's sake, in case they come across one of these things.

Any Tuanter who is faster, or any sound based moves (Noivern and Exploud are some good ones to use).
As for sound based moves, I suggest bug-buzz Galvantula (STAB super effective hit).

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Your best bets are very fast Priority moves, such as Talonflame's Brave Bird, to hit it before it gets the sub up. Another way to deal with it is using a sound based move, like Boomburst/Chatter, or a Pokemon with the Ability Infiltrator, which allows you to bypass the Substitute.

List of Pokemon with Infiltrator: http://pokemondb.net/ability/infiltrator (Doesn't mention getting through subs but that's because it hasn't been updated for Generation 6 yet.)

List of Sound-based Pokemon moves: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Sound_moves

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Another, more risky method would be to use a Pokemon with Sap Sipper, like Goodra. However, Whimsicott can still Use Subsitute and Encore, possibly making your pokemon setup bait for one of their mons.
That moveset is stopped by prankster taunt. Only giga drain is usable and then u kill it :P
1 vote

That Whimsicott can easily be defeated by a Pokemon that knows Taunt and is resistant to GRA moves.

Haxorus is a great counter because it is unexpected (Haxorus is weak to Whimsicott's FAI type) and can set-up [*Dragon Dance*].


Haxorus@Assault Vest (increases SP.DEF by 50% but Haxorus can't use status moves)
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 ATK, 252 SPE, 4 DEF
Nature: Adamant (+ATK, -SP.ATK)
Characteristic: Likes to thrash about (+ATK, 31IVs)

  1. Taunt - Prevents Whimsicott from setting up and forces a switch because giga drain isn't very effective against Haxorus allowing Haxorus to set-up with...

  2. Dragon Dance - Allows Haxorus to set-up if Whimsicott switches or attacks with an ineffective giga drain so it can sweep.

  3. Outrage - Extremely powerful STAB dragon move that can servilely damage opponents as well as covering Haxorus's weakness to DRA.

  4. Iron Tail/Brick Break - Extremely powerful steel type move that covers Haxorus's weaknesses to ICE and FAI/powerful fighting move that is super effective against steel type Pokemon that dragon moves are weak to as well as covering Haxorus's weakness to ICE.

Mega-Gengar is a better counter in my view. Though it isn't as good at setting-up for a sweep it can pretty much guarantee the death of Whimsicott because of Shadow Tag, it's SP.ATK = 170, it has STAB, 4x super effective, poison moves and resists GRA.


Ability: Shadow Tag (Prevents Whimsicott from escaping)
EVs: 252 SP.ATK, 252 SPE, 4 SP.DEF
Nature: Modest (+SP.ATK, -ATK)
Characteristic: Mischievous (+SP.ATK, 31IVs)

  1. Taunt - Prevents Whimsicott from setting up and so forces Whimsicott to use giga drain which isn't very effective as it can't switch because of Shadow Tag.

  2. Shadow Ball - Powerful STAB move.

  3. Sludge Bomb - Powerful STAB move that is 4x super effective against Whimsicott.

  4. Energy Ball - Powerful move that gives Mega-Gengar type covergae.

__ OR __

  1. Taunt - Prevents Whimsicott from setting up and so forces Whimsicott to use giga drain which isn't very effective as it can't switch because of Shadow Tag.

  2. Toxic - Weakens the opponent every turn even if Gengar faints..

  3. Hex - Extremely powerful STAB move when the target has a status problem (like poison)

  4. Venoshock - Extremely powerful STAB move when the target is poisoned that is 4x super effective against Whimsicott.

In fact, Haxorus and Mega-Gengar would work well on a team. Both have different roles, stat distributions, types and moves.
[1]: http://www.smogon.com/download/sprites/bw/642.png
[2]: http://www.smogon.com/media/sprites/xy/front/gengar-mega.png

...AV taunt?
...AV D-Dance?
I guess he's preparing for Knock Off.

Why would you give an assault vest to a pokemon that has taunt and ddance?
Does anyone have any other suitable ideas for an item we could use instead?