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I just can't seem to beat Red, but I must admit I do have under leveled Pokemon. I've come all the way to Lapras, and that's where it ends.. But my Gliscor did manage to beat his Pikachu with one hit.

My team is: Gliscor lvl 52 knowing earthquake, stone edge, x-scissor and swords dance
Suicune lvl 45 knowing rain dance, mirror coat, aurora beam and surf
Umbreon lvl 41 knowing headbutt shadow ball, psychic and faint attack
Pikachu (holding light ball) lvl 43 knowing thunderbolt, quick attack, iron tail and volt tackle
Staraptor lvl 53 knowing roost, brave bird, fly and close combat
Typhlosion lvl 74 knowing rock climb, blast burn, double edge and flamethrower

I have coverage over all of his Pokemon, but still

I can't be bothered to answer, but grab as many legends as possible, including Mewtwo for sure, and it can KO most of Red's Pokemon without even being leveled up at all. Since you're playing SS, Ho-Oh is very useful in i's Lv70 form. If you can be bothered leveling up Entei, he works too. Raikou can help to take out the Blastoise

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Ok, first of all, you would definitely need to raise your Pokemon to at least level 70.
As mentioned before by Aeternis, you can rematch the gym leaders in Saffron City by calling them at the right time, so that's a start.

Second of all, if you want to beat Red with these specific Pokemon, try to use their potential. For example, your Typhlosion has two physical moves when it specializes in Special Attack. You can keep Rock Climb on one of your Pokemon of course, since it's a necessary hm move to reach the top of Mt. Silver. One moveset I used to defeat Red was Endure, Flamethrower, Eruption, and Rock Climb, mostly to take advantage of its Blaze Ability. I also made it hold a Charcoal rather than a life orb, since this moveset relies on this Pokemon's HP.

Your Umbreon could improve as well, since it's a great wall! One strategy I'd use would be one with Mean Look, Toxic (or Confuse Ray), Moonlight, and Assurance. Use Mean Look to prevent the Pokemon from escaping, then use Toxic, so that it takes more and more damage each turn, or Confuse Ray so that Red can't switch it out to cure it.

One thing that I'd definitely advise you to do is teach one of your Pokemon (Maybe Gliscor) Stealth Rock. It takes away 1/2 of Charizard's HP, and 1/4 of Lapras's HP, so that will definitely help you a little bit. (Stealth Rock can be bought as a TM in the Celadon Dept. Store, or you can get it on Mt. Silver itself)

I hope I gave my share of help!

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2 votes

LV Up Your Mons. That is the biggest issue here. Pikachu can potentially One Shot this entire Team bar Gliscor. Go to the Elite Four and Level Up, to at least LV 75/85 for all Mons. Because Red has a predictable Team, you can pick at its weaknesses and ensure that you have a step up to each of Red's Mons. From a similar question:

>Like Blue, Red has a great mix of Pokémon types wich means you're going to need to have a well-raised team with multitude of attacking options. Don't be scared of his lvl 88 Pikachu - it can certainly hit hard, but it's no match for a strong good Physical attack. In fact, it's possible to take him down with one hit of this type. The samme aplies Snorlax - Physical will win out, especially as it has good resistance to elemental specials.Next up, make sure you have a strong Eletric type - this will make light of two of Red's team, his Lapras and his Blastoise. Finnaly. Venusaur will struggle against a Fire type with a decent defense.

Or you can use Graveyard Shift's suggestion with Legendaries.

I can't be bothered to answer, but grab as many legends as possible, including Mewtwo for sure, and it can KO most of Red's Pokemon without even being leveled up at all. Since you're playing SS, Ho-Oh is very useful in i's Lv70 form. If you can be bothered leveling up Entei, he works too. Raikou can help to take out the Blastoise
commented 9 minutes ago by Graveyard Shift

Psychic is correct, you need to level the pokemon at least in 90lvs.
1 vote

Very sorry to disappoint you, but I can assure you that with Pokemon that badly underleveled, you won't be able to beat Red as his team's levelbar is 80.
However I do have various hints to help you defeat him...well actually, I only have one tip


This is a little harder in Soul Silver but not impossible. You will need a lot of patience to do so as well.

  • Collect the numbers of the gym leaders and rematch them as often as possible
    For more info, click here
  • Rematch the Pokemon league as often as you can
  • Leveling up your Pikachu and Staraptor is crucial as they sweep his team
  • Catching powerful legendary such as Mewtwo and Ho-oh will help as they are at lv.70
  • Load yourself with Full Restores