PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

I know this hasn't been found out for sure yet, please do not comment that it hasn't been found out!
If someone does the research or finds someone who researched this I would like to know the exact percentage increase for Shinies for the Friend Safari versus the regular grass. Please do not answer if you are not giving the exact percent. Thanks!

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2 Answers

1 vote

According to The Scientist from this Smogon thread, the chance to encounter a shiny in the friend safari is most likely 1/512. We can't know if this is exact, but The Scientist's calculations seem quite accurate.

Hope I helped.

0 votes

Hello , I noticed the shiny odds for Friend Safari is incorrect, but to be expected since this page haven’t been updated in years.

the 3ds hackder/Dataminers MrNbaYoh and Shinyhunter_map have found the real odds by looking into the games code. I posted my sources below.

The odds are 1-(4095/4096)^5 = 1/819.6001138 (~1/820) and with charm 1-(4095/4096)^7 = 1/585.5715635 (~1/586), as stated by MrNbayoh.

Sources -

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Both the links are shortened and broken.
I fixed them.
In short, Friend Safari gives you four PID rerolls and six PID rerolls with Shiny Charm.