Like rain, sun, sand, hail becuase it only has base 50 power in regular weather but Pokemaster said it had 100 so for my Roserase in a sand storm would it have a base 100 special rock type move. Or would it be better to go with HP(rock)
"When no weather condition is under effect, Weather Ball deals Normal-type damage. During any weather condition, Weather Ball attacks with a different type and its base power doubles to 100. The type that Weather Ball is depends on the weather conditions at the time it is used. It will be:
* Fire-type if it is sunny. * Water-type if it is raining. * Ice-type if it is hailing. * Rock-type if there is a sandstorm. * Normal-type if it is foggy or there is no special weather condition in effect. * ???-type if Shadow Sky is under effect.
Type power-ups from the weather will be put into effect, as well as STAB caused by Castform's type changing from its ability, Forecast. "