PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Don't suggest nearby stores because they all sell fakes :(
I have 3000 cards to be sold. The money I would win, I would became the next Bill Gates.
If all the nearby stores sell fakes i would suggest ordering them online, via eBay or  Amazon.

1 Answer

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Someone already asked similar [**here**][1] and [**here**][2].

I didn't find much thing but those 2 sources can help you.
Something I found in the 2nd source:

Hi I'm from India. Good news! There's a store in Bangalore named 'gundam galaxy'. I was puzzled by the same question you ask. I was never able to find original, genuine Pokemon cards. The ones we get here are mostly fake. But this store has upped my hopes I must say! He expects his stock to arrive second Week of July 2013. The downside is that's its quite expensive. Its expected to be priced at 350 rupees plus or minus a few tens for a blister pack. Works out to about six dollars a pack. You can find him on facebook and get in touch with him. And hey dont worry. The prices are sure to fall, oncé the demand increases. And with fdi policies likely to kick in, companies like walmart and target are waiting to enter. This should help further with availability and prices. And hey sites like collectors cache and Potomac distribution ship to India. But high shipping costs. E bay India has cards as well. Just make sure the seller is credible. This should help you get your cards. Cheers.

Don't know where is it or if is true..

You can also buy from eBay, Amazon and other online sites if you want, but I think it will be more expensive.

If this didn't help, comment please.
Hope this helps.
[1]: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-how-do-you-get-pokemon-cards-in-india
[2]: http://www.serebiiforums.com/archive/index.php/t-602313.html

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Naw, I find them in my local store. They got entire promotional packs and those TCG codes as well, so they aren't fake alright. It's going out of stock though.
How much do they cost for one pack of 10???
@Qwerty_Zoom Which city do you live in? Im scared that the ones online are fake since they cost only 1500 Rs. for a pack  of 36 booster packs...... I would love to know that shop!
i find them  in my local store as well dont know bout promotional packs but they got tcg  x&y flashfire cards for rs10 per pack
pretty cheap!
They are usually fake, duplicated. Check for the numerical code you get alongside the cards in the packet for example.It's for downloading the cards for online play. I'm almost 90% sure you didn't recieve that, in which case it's fake.

(10 rupees is too cheap btw, good chance they are all just a couple of packets whose content was duplicated many times over in different covers)