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I'm at 140 in the National Pokedex in FireRed and have no access to LeafGreen. I know of about another 10 Pokemon that I've yet to catch or evolve into. Most of the ones I've yet to catch are in the Safari region.


2 Answers

4 votes

In total, there are 386 Pokemon in the FireRed/LeafGreen's National Dex, with 165 of those Pokemon being unobtainable in both of those games.

With only access to one cartridge and no trading, you'll miss out on two of the three starter's evolutionary lines, either the Omanyte or Kabuto line, as well as two of the three legendary dogs. These add up to 10 Pokemon you'll be unable to get.

Without trading, you also won't have access to trade evolutions! The trade evolutions in FireRed/LeafGreen are Politoed, Alakazam, Machamp, Golem, Gengar, Kingdra, Scizor and Porygon2. These add up to a total of 8 Pokemon that you can't get without access to trade evolutions.
(P.S. Huntail/Gorebyss/Slowking are excluded from here, as their evolutionary lines are already counted as either being unobtainable or version exclusive)

And lastly, we have Pokemon that are version exclusive to LeafGreen. Those being the Sandshrew line, the Vulpix line, the Bellsprout line, the Slowpoke line, the Staryu line, the Magmar line, Pinsir, the Marill line, Misdreavus, Sneasel, the Remoraid line, and Mantine. These add up to 23 Pokemon in total.

With this all into account, there are 180 Pokemon you can catch in FireRed alone.


Unobtainable Pokemon
Trade Evolutions
Version Exclusives

0 votes

Well, if you mean...

How many Pokemon can you catch from the Nat. Dex? - Just all the Pokemon you can catch in FireRed, minus the trade evolutions. In the Nat. Dex, add basic Pokemon from R/S/E, G/S/C, and obviously R/B/Y. Don't forget that there are a few Legends, Rares, and Ancients that you can CATCH from the other games once you get the Nat. Dex. It'd take time to calculate.

In just the FireRed - 144-7 I think... No Gengar, Alakazam, Golem (I feel like I'm forgetting one?), and no game specific pokemon. So assuming you Include mystery gifts, you have Mew, Deoxys... (probably a few more I'm forgetting) as well that you can't get either.

Short Answer - A lot, it'll take time to figure out, but shouldn't be too hard. I have FireRed, and I have almost everything in the Nat. Dex without the trades, so I'll work on figuring it out.

I don't have access to the mystery gifts on FireRed due to using a GBA SP.  I still have five in Safaria Zone to capture and they are the 5-6% chance of showing and hard or very hard to catch.  I'm thinking around 150 but the ones I'm really clueless on are the Johto ones.