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Am I the only one who noticed the buffs to fire types this gen??? 6th gen just increased the viability of defensive Fire types like magcargo, torkal, heatran, and moltres. Fire got a new resist, fairy, and nobody talks about! Why not? Some of those mons, and others, deserve a tier bump! Why has nobody been using them more?

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One great factor about the weakness of Fire types is its weakness to Stealth Rocks

It is also weak to common types like Rock and Water.

Yes they have gotten buffed, but it doesn't change their weaknesses. However, I've seen plenty of Fire types such as Charizard, Talonflame, and Heatran around.
@Lunar Xerneas if you have an answer, by all means post it dude :)

2 Answers

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Why has nobody been using them more?

Simply put, it's our choice.

When I make a team I usually don't think about typing yet, I think about a lead. I build a team around that lead. If a Fire Type is not needed then, I won't put in on my team, especially if I have a Flying Type that covers grass, a Ground to cover Steel, and a Fighting to cover Ice. It just varies; and I may not even need the coverage I listed.

Some of those mons, and others, deserve a tier bump! Why has nobody been using them more?

Again it varies on it neediness on a team. I understand the Gale Wings Talonflame is very strong in certain cases, I acknowledge that, but I'm not going to randomly throw him on my team just because it got popular. Besides it's usage that give them a tier bump.

Fire got a new resist, fairy, and nobody talks about! Why not?


Umm, it's just a type resist. Steel types are resistant to them as well, so..

Am I the only one who noticed the buffs to fire types this gen???

No, everyone has to acknowledge the facts, it's just up to us to either utilize it or plan against it.

Since this question relies heavily on opinion (IMO), I'll hide if not accurate enough.

Hopefully I've Helped!

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Hey Blazo! Long Time No See :)
Its been a looong time since i was last on, school keeps me busy xD
1 vote

Actually, you're a bit correct and wrong.
Fire types did get a buff in gen 6, as Pokemon like Charizard recieved a chance to shine more with mega evolution. Mega Camrupt also gotten a chance to shine as well, in Trick Room teams. A lot of the Pokemon you listed (Magcargo, Torkoal, Moltres) however changed only a bit (if not, didnt change) due to the fact that common weaknesses like water, rock, and ground types get to them. Mega Evolutions like Mega Slowbro, Mega Ampharoes, Mega Blastoise, etc. counter these fire types. Moreover, these Pokemon aren't the fastest Pokemon out there, even with Choice Scarf Moltres. Sure, there are some good fire types for a wall like Heatran that is used more often now due to the fairy type addition (Heatran COMPLETELY counters usual set Fairy types like Sylveon (x4 resistance)) and bulky mega charizard x. Like with many typing of Pokemon, each type has its own specific strenghts and weaknesses. People DO use fire type Pokemon quite often (Heatran and Charizard in particular, maybe specially defensive Rotom Heat for fairies), its just they have weakneses that are common like rock and ground and water that brings them down, which balances the metagame).

Thats all I can say for now!
-Mr. Blazo
