Here are all the Pokemon that I could find that loses a limb when it evolves (* means it regains them the next time it evolves).
Caterpie - Metapod Weedle - Kakuna Graveler - Golem Mankey - Primape (tail) Poliwag - Poliwhirl (tail) Kadabra - Alakazam (tail) Bellsprout - Weepinbell (leg-like things) Remoraid - Occtilery (like, the whole thing) Larvitar - Pupitar (arms and legs) Wurmple -Silcoon/Cascoon Lotad - Lombre (one pair of three legs) Nincada - Ninjask/Shedinja (hind legs turn into stumps) Vibrava - Flygon (a pair of wings) Feebas - Milotic (fins) Snorunt - Glailie (arms and legs) Snorunt - Froslass (legs) Burmy - Wormadam (legs) Cherubi - Cherrim (half its body) Chingling - Chimecko (legs) Togetic - Togekiss (arms) Servine- Serperior (arms and legs) Sewaddle - Swadloon (legs) Venipede - Whirlipede (legs) Zweilious - Hydreigon (front legs into heads) Scatterbug - Spewpa (legs) Doublade - Aeigislash (one sword)