PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

To start out, I'm just beginning to enter into the competitive aspect of Pokemon, strictly in-game, though, and not Pokemon Online--for now.

I know Garchomp is now considered "Uber" according to Smogon, but I'd like to start BP farming in the Battle Subway. So, after the time-consuming Ditto collecting, I now have about one and a half boxes of Gible: those cute, little dragon Pokemon I can't stand to look at anymore, after 10 hours of breeding for select IVs.

I've narrowed down my choices between two Jolly Gible, their stats at level 50 (no EVs):
Gible 1- 133/90/54/40/59/66
Gible 2- 133/90/65/49/64/57

Both have 30-31 IVs in HP and Atk, with Gible 1 having 30-31 in Spe, and Gible 2 having 30-31 in Def and SDef.

I want higher Spe, but wouldn't mind high S/Def.

Which should I choose, or should I endure a little bit more breeding?

I think that Speed is better for Garchomp

4 Answers

4 votes

No.1 because a fast gible with considerable attack is the key to winning and as said above one ice punch or ice beam would faint you no matter what your gibles def or sp.def is .

1 vote

Speed FTW

even with high def/sp.def you will die from an ice punch or ice beam anyway.

so IMO speed is better

edited by
0 votes

Gible 2 might be better, if you evolve them to Garchomp, it can still outdo legendaries like Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem. It's still quite fast. Mega have a pretty awesome defense, but then you can change your mind right here to Gible 1 if you have a Garchompite. Maybe you should try your luck to get a Gible by breeding these two Gibles. There would be a chance that the stats (possibly, but rarely; all the good stats) would be copied down to the offspring, but if you are not going to take up that offer, then Gible 1 is the best Mega Garchomp, but a high defense Garchomp would be good with. some bulk from a weakness policy.

I've hope I've helped!

–5 votes

I choose gible 1. thats better 4 me
