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I want to know all the moves that can Flinch. When you list the answers, Please to the following.

  1. Tell the moves type
  2. Tell weather or not it has any other special effects
  3. If it is physical or special
  4. If it has 10, 20, or 30% flinch chance.

3 Answers

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Best answer

Flinching is a volatile status condition that causes the opponent Pokemon to be unable to move that turn, when they are flinched by certain attacks. For this to work the user of the flinching move needs to be faster than the opposing Pokemon (of course not including priority).

In Generation VI any move used by a Pokemon holding the Razor Fang or King's Rock will have a 10% chance to flinch, if the move doesn't already have a flinch chance. This changed a little in earlier Generations, though.

The chance of flinching listed below is doubled if the user has Serene Grace. So, for example, Togekiss and Jirachi have a 60% chance of flinching with Air Slash and Iron Head, respectively.

Moves That Can Flinch

Air Slash

  • Flying type, 75 power, 95% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Special
  • 30% chance of flinching


  • Ghost type, 30 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance of flinching


  • Dark type, 60 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance of flinching

Bone Club

  • Ground type, 65 power, 85% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 10% chance of flinching

Dark Pulse

  • Dark type, 80 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Special
  • 20% chance of flinching

Dragon Rush

  • Dragon type, 100 power, 75% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 20% chance of flinching


  • Psychic type, 80 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Special
  • 10% chance of flinching

Fake Out

  • Normal type, 40 power, 100% accuracy
  • Only works on the first turn after the Pokemon is sent into battle, but has a priority of +3
  • Physical
  • 100% chance of flinching

Fire Fang

  • Fire type, 65 power, 100% accuracy
  • Also has a 10% chance to burn
  • Physical
  • 10% chance of flinching


  • Dark type, 30 power, 100% accuracy
  • Consumes the user's held item, and only flinches if holding the Razor Claw or King's Rock
  • Physical
  • 100% chance of flinching


  • Normal type, 70 power, 100% accuracy
  • None
  • Physical
  • 30% chance of flinching

Heart Stamp

  • Psychic, 60 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance of flinching

Hyper Fang

  • Normal type, 80 power, 90% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 10% chance of flinching

Ice Fang

  • Ice type, 65 power, 100% accuracy
  • Also has a 10% chance to freeze
  • Physical
  • 10% chance of flinching

Icicle Crash

  • Ice type, 85 power, 90% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance to flinch

Iron Head

  • Steel type, 80 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance to flinch

Needle Arm

  • Grass type, 60 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance to flinch

Rock Slide

  • Rock type, 75 power, 90% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance to flinch

Rolling Kick

  • Fighting type, 60 power, 85% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 30% chance to flinch

Secret Power

  • Normal type, 70 power, 100% accuracy
  • Only flinches if used inside caves
  • Physical
  • 30% chance of flinching

Sky Attack

  • Flying type, 140 power, 90% accuracy
  • Is a two-turn move, similar to Solar Beam, where it charges on the first turn and attacks on the second turn. Holding the Power Herb obviously bypasses this side affect.
  • Physical
  • 30% chance of flinching


  • Normal type, 50 power, 100% accuracy
  • Can only be used by sleeping Pokemon
  • Special
  • 30% chance to flinch


  • Bug type, 65 power, 100% accuracy
  • Has double base power when used on Pokemon that has used Minimize
  • Physical
  • 30% chance to flinch


  • Normal type, 65 power, 100% accuracy
  • Has double base power if the target has used Minimize, and also cannot miss if the target has used Minimize
  • Physical
  • 30% chance to flinch

Thunder Fang

  • Electric type, 65 power, 100% accuracy
  • Also has a 10% chance to paralyze
  • Physical
  • 10% chance of flinching


  • Dragon type, 40 power, 100% accuracy
  • Can hit Pokemon in the invulnerable stage of Fly or Bounce
  • Special
  • 20% chance to flinch


  • Water type, 80 power, 100% accuracy
  • No other effects (but will only flinch from Gen IV and later)
  • Physical
  • 20% chance to flinch

Zen Headbutt

  • Psychic type, 80 power, 90% accuracy
  • No other effects
  • Physical
  • 20% chance to flinch


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Interestingly, when doing this I found that the only types without at least one flinching move are Poison, Ground, and Fairy.
Isn't Bone Club a Ground type move?
Good point - apparently it is a very forgettable Ground type move.,,
holding power her doesnt effect sky attack i think...
It definitely does. This was a common strategy with Hawlucha Once upon a time.
Yup, this is also issue with commenting on a post that is 7 years old. Strategies change over time.
0 votes

Air Slash:
Type: Flying
Category: Special
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Type: Ghost
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Type: Dark
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Bone Club:
Type: Ground
Category: Physical
Chance: 10%
Other effects/notes: None

Dark Pulse:
Type: Dark
Category: Special
Chance: 20%
Other effects/notes: None

Dragon Rush:
Type: Dragon
Category: Physical
Chance: 20%
Other effects/notes: None

Type: Psychic
Category: Special
Chance: 10%
Other effects/notes:

Fake Out:
Type: Normal
Category: Physical
Chance: 100%
Other effects/notes: Only works if used on user's first turn.

Fire Fang:
Type: Fire
Category: Physical
Chance: 10%
Other effects/notes: 10% chance of burning the target.

Type: Dark
Category: Physical
Chance: 100%
Other effects/notes: Only works if the King's Rock or Razor Fang is held by user.

Type: Normal
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Heart Stamp:
Type: Psychic
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Hyper Fang:
Type: Normal
Category: Physical
Chance: 10%
Other effects/notes: None

Ice Fang:
Type: Ice
Category: Physical
Chance: 10%
Other effects/notes: 10% chance of Freezing the target.

Icicle Crash:
Type: Ice
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Iron Head:
Type: Steel
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Needle Arm:
Type: Grass
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes:None

Rock Slide:
Type: Rock
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Rolling Kick:
Type: Fighting
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Secret Power:
Type: Normal
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: Only works in caves (Gen 3 onward) or the Crystal, Magma, and Stargazer Colosseums. (Battle Revolution)

Sky Attack:
Type: Flying
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Type: Normal
Category: Special
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: Only able to be used by sleeping Pokemon.

Type: Bug
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Type: Normal
Category: Physical
Chance: 30%
Other effects/notes: None

Thunder Fang:
Type: Electric
Category: Physical
Chance: 10%
Other effects/notes: 10% chance of paralyzing the target.

Type: Dragon
Category: Special
Chance: 20%
Other effects/notes: Can hit targets using Fly or Bounce.

Type: Water
Category: Physical
Chance: 20%
Other effects/notes: Only causes flinching Gen 4 onward.

Zen Headbutt:
Type: Psychic
Category: Physical
Chance: 20%
Other effects/notes: None

Hope this helps!


0 votes

Physical Attacks:
Astonish (Ghost), no other effects, 30%
Bite (Dark), no other effects, 30%
Bone Club (Ground), no other effects, 10%
Dragon Rush (Dragon), no other effects, 20%
Fake Out (Normal), Always goes first; only works if it is the user's first turn , 100%
Fire Fang (Fire), 10% chance burn, 10%
Fling (Dark), Only if King's Rock or Razor Fang is held by user. 100%
Headbutt (Normal), no other effects, 30%
Heart Stamp (Psychic), no other effects, 30%
Hyper Fang (Normal), no other effects, 10%
Ice Fang (Ice), 10% chance freeze, 10%
Icicle Crash (Ice), no other effects, 30%
Iron Head (Steel), no other effects, 30%
Needle Arm (Grass), no other effects, 30%
Rockslide (Rock), no other effects, 30%
Rolling Kick (Fighting), no other effects, 30%
Secret Power (Normal), Only causes flinching if used in caves or the Crystal, Magma, or Stargazer Colosseums, 30%
Sky Attack (Flying), no other effects, 30%
Steamroller (Bug), no other effects, 30%
Stomp (Normal), no other effects, 30%
Thunderfang (Electric), 10%chance paralysis, 10%
Waterfall (Water), Only flinches in Gen 4 and onward, no other effects 20%
Zen Headbutt (Psychic), no other effects, 20%

Special Attacks:
Air Slash (Flying), no other effects, 30%
Dark Pulse (Dark), no other effects, 20%
Extrasensory (Psychic), no other effects, 10%
Snore (Normal), Only works if the user is asleep, no other effects, 30%
Twister (Dragon), Can hit targets that are using fly or bounce, 20%
Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_moves_that_cause_flinching

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