Lopunny-Mega @ Lopunnite
Ability: Scrappy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Return
- Ice Punch
EV Spread: By maxing out the Speed EVs and using a Jolly Nature, I made Lopunny as fast as possible. This is important because you want an offensive Pokemon like Lopunny to dish out hits first; by doing this, you minimize the amount of damage it will take. I used a Jolly Nature over others because it raises Speed while lowering Special Attack, which is fine because this set has no Special moves. I maximized the Attack EVs so Lopunny can hit as hard as possible and put the extra 4 EVs into Special Defense because most attacks aimed at it will be Special (Fairy and Psychic, 2/3 of its weaknesses, mainly use Special moves).
Moveset: Fake Out is an excellent move on Lopunny. It gains STAB, is good for chip damage and is essential for Lopunny to Mega-Evolve safely (if you didn't know, when a Pokemon Mega-Evolves it will use the Speed stat of its original form for that turn only). Fake Out, by flinching the opposing Pokemon, allows it to Mega-Evolve freely so it can utilize its better Speed the next turn. Return and High Jump Kick are two reliable, powerful STAB moves that hit all Pokemon bar Shedninja for neutral damage thanks to Scrappy. Ice Punch is a good coverage move that OHKOs common switch-ins to Mega-Lopunny such as Gliscor and Landorus-T.
As for investing in HP like you asked... I would not recommend this because not only does it not affect the amount of HP you lose (as High Jump Kick always makes you lose 50%, regardless of how much HP you have) it is usually not a good idea to invest in bulk on Pokemon that are offensive for these reasons:
- It usually doesn't make a difference, as most offensive Pokemon have terrible defensive stats
- It doesn't let you fully capitalize on their offensive prowess
If you have any other questions, please ask!
One more thing... I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but DB has a separate moveset page for every Pokemon. Please refer to that first, and if you can't find it or are still confused, then ask here.
Here is how to get to it. Let's say we are trying to find a competitive moveset for Golem, for example:
1. Go to Golem's Pokedex page
2. Scroll all the way down to the "Answers to Golem Questions" section
3. Click on the "What is a good moveset for Golem? question
4. If that question is not there or the answers don't answer your questions, feel free to ask here :)