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So, if I have one pokemon with the dream world ability and I breed that one with a pokemon without the dream world ability, will the egg hatch into a pokemon with the ability??

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2 Answers

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Hidden Abilities can only be passed on from Females with Hidden Ability when bred with someone from the same egg group, Ditto not included.

(The female in these pairing has Hidden ability)
Audino (F) x Audino (M) = 60% chance that Child will recieve Hidden Ability.
Audino (F) x Wigglytuff (M) = 60% chance that Child will recieve Hidden Ability.
Audino (F) x Ditto = 0% chance that the child will recieve Hidden Ability

(The male in this pairing has Hidden Ability)
Any Pokemon x Audino (M) = 0% chance that the child will recieve Hidden Ability

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Female Pokémon with Hidden Abilities can pass on the Hidden Ability to their offspring. Ditto count as male for this purpose. For example, if a female Darmanitan with Zen Mode bred with a male Simisage, the offspring Darumaka may have Inner Focus instead of the usual Hustle and would evolve into a Darmanitan with Zen Mode, instead of Sheer Force. However, it should be noted that there is also a chance of not passing on the ability.

KKgot it but what about a male darmanitan zen mode and a female one without. Then will the baby have ??
It's normal ability,Hustle