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If you have a good competitive moveset for Dhelmise, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Dhelmise Pokedex and learnset for reference.

Dhelmise sprite


11 Answers

5 votes

Dhelmise @ Assault Vest
Type : Grass / Ghost
Ability: Steelworker
Nature : Brave ( Atk+ Spe- )
EVs : 132 Hp / 252 Atk / 124 Def
IVs : 0 Spe

  • Anchor Shot
  • Power Whip
  • Earthquake / Phantom Force
  • Rapid Spin / Gyro Ball

Dhelmise works great as a Spinblocker and Rapid Spinner. The EV spread, together with Assault Vest, allows Dhelmise to survive many hits before it can even Attack. Anchor Shot works great with Dhelmise's ability Steelworker, also traps Special Walls like Blissey. Power Whip may have a Low accuracy, but it is necessary to keep the damage output high while not running Choice Band or Life Orb. Earthquake gets more coverage and deals with some opponents like Heatran. Phantom Force is STAB. Rapid Spin is useful for removing Hazards set up by Skarmony and Ferrothorn, while Gyro Ball takes Advantage of Dhelmise's very Low Speed and Brave Nature. Besides being a Rapid Spinner and a Spinblocker, Dhelmise can also be a great physical Attacker. Making it a great suit for many teams.

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2 votes

Gen 8 NU

Dhelmise @ Choice Band
Ability: Steelworker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Power Whip
- Poltergeist
- Anchor Shot
- Switcheroo / Earthquake

Choice Band gives you immediate power in addition to your base 131 attack. Power Whip is strong grass STAB allowing you to beat Pokemon like Mudsdale. Poltergeist is strong ghost STAB and reveals item from opposing Pokemon and allows you to beat most grass resistant Pokemon. Anchor Shot is a good coverage move that is boosted by Steelworker, allowing you to do a good chunk of damage to any Pokemon that resist your STAB moves such as Braviary, Drapion, and Guzzlord. Anchor Shot is also good for OHKOing Sylveon and Glastrier after it takes damage from Stealth Rock. Switcheroo is for screwing up passive Pokemon by giving them your Choice Band. Earthquake can be used instead for coverage, but doesn't really cover much, outside of hitting Pokemon like Drapion, Dragalge, and Copperajah super effectively for the sake of you and your opponent seeing the message "It's super effective" on your screens. Max speed Adamant nature allows Dhelmise to outspeed up to univested base 70 Pokemon and also allows to outspeed max speed / 236 speed Jolly Glastrier. An EV spread of 48 HP / 252 Atk / 208 Spe also works for this set if you just want to speed creep Vaporeon.


Because this set is holding an item, Pokemon who resist / have an immunity to Poltergeist are needed, so Pokemon like Exploud are appreciated. Exploud is also a special wallbreaker, meaning it do a good amount of damage to physically Pokemon. Because Dhelmise also struggles with dark types and Close Combat from Scrappy, Pokemon like Sylveon, Garbodor, and Talonflame are useful. Sylveon checks dark types and can also wishpass to help keep Dhelmise healthy and can use Heal Bell to heal status conditions Dhelmise might have got. Garbodor does a good job of tanking Close Combat and forces chip damage on Sirfetchd with Rocky Helmet. Talonflame can threaten Sirfetchd with a burn from Flame Body. Dhelmise also doesn't like fire types, so Pokemon like Vaporeon and Mudsdale are needed.

1 vote

Time for an itemless Dhelmise set:
Gen 8 NU

Ability: Steelworker
EVs: 172 HP / 252 Atk / 84 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Shadow Claw / Poltergeist
- Power Whip
- Synthesis

Dhelmise already has an immunity from fighting moves most of the time, (most because of Scrappy Sirfetch'd) so having an immunity to Poltergeist helps it check Golurk easier. Rapid Spin spins away entry hazards. Shadow Claw is STAB. You can opt for Poltergeist instead, but watch out for itemless ghosts. Power Whip is strong STAB. Synthesis is for healing.

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0 votes

Dhelmise @ Choise Specs
Ability: Steelworker
Ev's: 252 SpA / 252 Hp / 4 SpD
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
Ivs: 0 Atk

Giga Drain
Shadow Ball
Flash Cannon

Explanation: Dhelmise is a great Physical Attacker but how about a Special Attacker Dhelmise? Let's put that 86 Base Special Attack to good use. Choise Specs is to give Dhelmise a boost in its Special Attack. Surf is Fire type Coverage. Giga Drain is STAB and used for Healing. Shadow Ball is STAB and it has a Chance to lower the Foe's Special Defense by 1 stage. Flash Cannon is Ice and Fairy Type coverage, has a Chance to lower the Foe's Special Defense by 1 stage and it's powered up with Steelworker.

0 votes

I see Dhelmise as a bulky sweeper having grass and ghost moves as STAB, and its ability 'steelworker' to power up the steel moves. I was thinking of something like this

Nature - Brave (+atk -spd) (Gyro ball)
Item - iron ball (Gyro Ball)
EV's - |HP - 248|Atk - 252|Sp. Def - 8|
Moves -
- Gyro ball - With Dhelmise's low speed, an iron ball and a nature hindering it's speed, gyro ball can do some serious damage, steelworker also comes in handy too, boosting the power of the attack.
- Earthquake/Brick Break - Coverage, also why can Dhelmise learn these moves? xD
- Shadow claw/Power whip - Both of these moves have STAB, you can either use Shadow claw for greater coverage, or you can use Power Whip for more powerful hits.
- Swords Dance/Protect - You can either up that already good attack that to make it better, or protect yourself from damage.

0 votes

Dhelmise@Colbur Berry
ABILITY: Steelworker
NATURE: Adamant (+Atk -SpAtk)
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP

Power Whip
Anchor Shot
Rapid Spin

Power Whip is the strongest Grass type move Dhelmise can get. Anchor Shot prevents switch-ins. Rapid Spin to clear entry hazards and Synthesis to heal up damage. Colbur Berry to help against Dark type Pokemon.

0 votes

Dhelmise@Life Orb
EVs:252 Attack 252 HP 4 Defense
•Poltergeist:Strong STAB, almost everything in competitive holds items
•Power Whip:Strong STAB
•Anchor Shot:Strong, very strong with ability, traps opponents
•Swords Dance:Great attack boost

0 votes

Dhelmise@Assault Vest
Trait: Steelworker
Nature: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)
EVs: 252 Attack, 128 Defense, 128 Sp. Defense
Role: Physical Tank


  • Gyro Ball
  • Shadow Claw
  • Power Whip
  • Rock Slide
0 votes

Gen 8 NU

Dhelmise @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Steelworker
EVs: 252 HP / 80 SpD / 176 Spe
Careful Nature
- Anchor Shot
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Rest

A Showdown user named Young Lilo came up with this set, so credit goes to him. This set is used as a lure to defeat Guzzlord. Anchor Shot is used to trap passive Pokemon and gets a boost from Steelworker. Iron Defense is to boost your defense, allowing you to take physical attacks better. Body Press takes advantage of your boosted defense and allows you to beat Guzzlord. Rest is for healing. 176 Speed EVs allows you to outspeed the occasional max speed Copperajah. 252 HP is to help maximize bulk. The rest of the EVs are dumped into special defense.

0 votes

Gen 8 OU Doubles
Dhelmise @ Life Orb/ Wide Lens
Ability: Steelworker
Brave Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SpDef
- Anchor Shot
- Power Whip
- Poltergeist
- Swords Dance

This is a sweeping moveset for Dhelmise. It works even better if you can get Trick Room down before hand. Life Orb for a stronger sweep or Wide Lens to make up for the inaccuracy of Power Whip and Poltergeist. Dhelmise has three STABs thanks to Steelworker. The only type combination that resists all three attacks is Dark-Steel. The plan is to Swords Dance than sweep


Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Healer
Calm Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpDef / 4 Def
- Life Dew
- Heal Bell
- Flamethrower
- Heal Pulse / Light Screen / Helping Hand

Blissey is a great supporting Pokémon and is immune to Dhelmise’s Poltergeist.Life Dew is to heal both Pokémon over Soft-Boiled and Healing Pulse. Heal Bell to get rid of any status conditions. Flamethrower to hit the Dark-Steel types that resist Dhelmise. Heal Pulse for additional healing or Light Screen to protect Dhelmise more or Helping Hand to increase Dhelmise’s attack.

I had no idea that Poltergeist was a multi-target move until now lmao
wait actually you're wrong, since the site says it's a single-target move
Look at the target chart. It attacks each individual Pokémon by using their item. If a Pokémon doesn't have an item Poltergeist can't hit them.
the text below the target chart implies that it targets a single adjacent Pokemon
Hm. That's weird. I guess I assumed it did because of RisingManectric's Doubles answer.
0 votes

Gen 9 National Dex Grass-Spam Core with Rillaboom

Anchor9 (Dhelmise) @ Life Orb
Ability: Steelworker
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Grassy Glide
- Poltergeist
- Gyro Ball / Anchor Shot
- Liquidation / Rock Slide / Brick Break

With the relatively fast-paced National Dex metagame, Dhelmise can struggle to keep up without priority. This is where Life Orb Grassy Glide comes in, allowing Dhelmise to actually exert some amount of pressure against faster Pokemon. Grass isn't the best offensive type, but with common Grass-weak Pokemon like Great Tusk, Urshifu-Rapid, and Mega Tyranitar, as well as frailer Pokemon neutral to Grass, Dhelmise can pick off a few KOs here and there. Anchor Shot acts both as tertiary STAB thanks to Steelworker and it can trap some defensive Pokemon that may not want to deal with Dhelmise; however, note that many defensive staples in ND carry pivoting moves, meaning the trapping effect may not be applicable on a game-to-game basis. The last move is very much dependent on your choice of coverage. Liquidation hits the widest array of Pokemon, including many Grounds that are not weak to Grass, such as the Ground-Flyings Landorus-T and Gliscor. Rock Slide can be used to catch Moltres, Volcarona, and Charizard-Mega-Y off guard if they try and take Grassy Glide, especially the former two, as they pack Flame Body. Brick Break serves the same purpose; this time, with Kingambit, although due to its low Speed and Brick Break's low power, it isn't as useful as the first two options.

Rillaboom is basically mandatory alongside Dhelmise to provide priority, a damage boost, and residual healing to displace Life Orb recoil. Choice Band Rillaboom offers a devestating nuclear option using Wood Hammer to blow past even resists, allowing Dhelmise to clean up using the remaining Grassy Terrain turns. It can also pack Knock Off to snipe faster Ghosts on the switch, or use its respectable bulk to tank a hit and trade itself. Dhelmise struggles to threaten faster Pokemon that have super effective options against it, especially Fire-types, as they resist Grassy Glide to boot. As a result, Water-types like Samurott-Hisui can be especially useful. Samurott-Hisui can set up spikes, complementing the dual Grass-type assault, and has a partial Dark typing to deal with Ghosts like Gholdengo, another Grass resist that threatens the daylights out of Dhelmise. Because of Grassy Terrain's limited duration and Dhelmise's hit-and-run playstyle, solid defensive checks are recommended; for example, Assault Vest Raging Bolt blankets the Fire-types and has Volt Switch to bring in teammates safely. Finally, both Dhelmise and Rillaboom are inherently slow and rely on priority to get the jump on faster Pokemon. As a result, a Choice Scarf Pokemon like the aforementioned Samurott-Hisui or a generally fast Pokemon like Mega Lopunny can help.

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