PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

Only for the Gen 1 cast ok?

So things like Wish Chansey and Barrier Dragonite.

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That is for anyone who will

1 Answer

3 votes

bulbasaur: block, celebrate, falseswipe, frenzyplant, weatherball,
charmander: acrobatics, blastburn, block, celebrate, falseswipe, howl, quickattack,
charizard: dragondance, holdhands,
squirtle: block, celebrate, falseswipe, followme, hydrocannon,
butterfree: morningsun,
beedrill: batonpass,
pidgeotto: refresh,
raticate: refresh,
spearow: batonpass,
arbok: refresh,
pichu: endeavor, followme, surf, teeterdance,
pichuspikyeared: painsplit, volttackle,
pikachu: bestow, celebrate, charm, encore, endeavor, extremespeed, fakeout, fly, happyhour, heartstamp, holdhands, lastresort, present, refresh, sing, surf, sweetkiss, sweetscent, teeterdance, yawn,
pikachurockstar: meteormash,
pikachubelle: iciclecrash,
pikachupopstar: drainingkiss,
pikachuphd: electricterrain,
pikachulibre: flyingpress,
vulpix: charm,
vulpixalola: celebrate,
igglybuff: tickle,
oddish: leechseed,
paras: refresh,
venomoth: refresh,
dugtrio: charm,
meowth: happyhour, petaldance, sing,
psyduck: mudsport,
golduck: charm, encore,
primeape: reversal,
growlithe: charm,
arcanine: crunch, flareblitz,
poliwag: sweetkiss,
poliwrath: hydropump,
machamp: quickguard,
bellsprout: teeterdance,
weepinbell: magicalleaf, morningsun,
rapidash: batonpass,
magneton: refresh,
farfetchd: batonpass, wish, yawn,
dodrio: batonpass,
seel: helpinghand,
grimer: helpinghand,
shellder: refresh,
cloyster: iciclespear, razorshell, rockblast,
gengar: astonish, sludgewave,
drowzee: bellydrum, wish,
hypno: batonpass,
voltorb: refresh,
exeggcute: sweetscent, wish,
exeggutor: refresh,
exeggutoralola: celebrate, powerswap,
marowak: sing,
hitmonlee: refresh,
hitmonchan: mindreader,
hitmontop: fakeout,
lickitung: healbell, helpinghand, wish,
rhydon: helpinghand,
chansey: sweetkiss, sweetscent, wish,
tangela: morningsun,
tangrowth: morningsun,
kangaskhan: sing, wish, yawn,
kingdra: muddywater,
starmie: refresh,
mrmime: followme,
scyther: morningsun,
electabuzz: crosschop, followme,
electivire: crosschop,
magmar: crosschop, followme,
pinsir: helpinghand,
tauros: refresh,
magikarp: celebrate, happyhour, hydropump,
eevee: celebrate, sing,
vaporeon: celebrate,
jolteon: celebrate,
flareon: celebrate,
espeon: celebrate,
umbreon: celebrate,
leafeon: celebrate,
glaceon: celebrate,
munchlax: happyhour, holdback,
snorlax: celebrate, refresh,
articuno: extrasensory, haze, healbell,
zapdos: batonpass, extrasensory, metalsound,
moltres: extrasensory, morningsun,
dragonite: barrier, extremespeed, healbell,
mewtwo: electroball, healpulse, hurricane,
mew: fakeout, feintattack, hypnosis, nightshade,

And I did the other Pokemon because that's how nice I am.

chikorita: frenzyplant,
cyndaquil: blastburn,
totodile: hydrocannon,
ledyba: refresh,
spinarak: refresh,
togepi: helpinghand, triattack,
togekiss: present,
natu: batonpass,
mareep: holdback,
jumpluff: falseswipe,
wynaut: tickle,
pineco: refresh,
weavile: fakeout, iceshard,
teddiursa: refresh,
magcargo: refresh,
swinub: charm,
mamoswine: iciclecrash, iciclespear,
corsola: mudsport,
delibird: happyhour,
houndour: charm,
smeargle: falseswipe, flamethrower, furyswipes, meanlook, odorsleuth, seismictoss, spore,
raikou: aurasphere, extremespeed, weatherball,
entei: crushclaw, extremespeed, flareblitz, howl,
suicune: airslash, aquaring, extremespeed,
lugia: featherdance, hurricane, psychoboost,
hooh: burnup, celebrate,
celebi: holdback, nastyplot,
swampert: hydropump,
poochyena: healbell,
linoone: babydolleyes, extremespeed,
ludicolo: fakeout, hydropump,
seedot: refresh,
taillow: featherdance,
swellow: batonpass,
ralts: sing, wish,
surskit: mudsport,
shroomish: refresh,
shedinja: agility, batonpass, screech, slash, swordsdance,
whismur: teeterdance,
makuhita: refresh,
nosepass: helpinghand,
skitty: payday,
delcatty: sweetkiss,
sableye: helpinghand, octazooka, tickle,
mawile: sing,
aggron: headsmash,
manectric: refresh,
plusle: mudsport,
minun: watersport,
roselia: sweetkiss,
gulpin: sing,
carvanha: refresh,
sharpedo: destinybond,
numel: charm,
spoink: uproar,
spinda: sing,
cacnea: encore,
swablu: falseswipe,
altaria: agility, falseswipe,
zangoose: refresh,
lunatone: batonpass,
solrock: batonpass,
corphish: watersport,
baltoy: refresh,
milotic: mirrorcoat,
banette: cottonguard, helpinghand,
duskull: helpinghand,
absol: wish,
snorunt: sing,
spheal: charm,
bagon: irondefense, wish,
salamence: dragondance, hydropump, refresh,
beldum: holdback,
metang: refresh,
rayquaza: celebrate, vcreate,
jirachi: dracometeor, followme, happyhour, heartstamp, meteormash, moonblast, playrough,
deoxys: detect, meteormash, nastyplot,
piplup: sing,
riolu: aurasphere,
lucario: blazekick, bulletpunch, highjumpkick,
rotom: disarmingvoice,
heatran: eruption,
darkrai: phantomforce, roaroftime, spacialrend,
shaymin: celebrate,
arceus: blastburn, hydrocannon, roaroftime, shadowforce, spacialrend,
victini: blueflare, boltstrike, celebrate, fusionbolt, fusionflare, glaciate, vcreate,
snivy: aromatherapy,
serperior: holdback,
emboar: holdback,
samurott: holdback,
liepard: encore,
audino: present,
whimsicott: beatup,
zoroark: sludgebomb, suckerpunch,
gothorita: imprison, mirrorcoat,
reshiram: mist,
zekrom: haze,
meloetta: celebrate,
genesect: blazekick, extremespeed, shiftgear,
greninja: happyhour,
vivillonfancy: holdhands,
aegislash: wideguard,
aromatisse: disable,
inkay: happyhour,
sylveon: celebrate,
incineroar: fakeout,
primarina: perishsong,
rockruffdusk: happyhour,
lycanrocmidnight: firefang, suckerpunch,
salazzle: fakeout,
comfey: celebrate,
necrozmaduskmane: sunsteelstrike,
necrozmadawnwings: moongeistbeam,

