PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I want to trade my Mons for platinum to heart gold so I can play through platinum again. For me to trade them over, will I have to continue making constant runs back to the PC to switch my party out or is there any way I can access my PC while trading? And is it possible to transfer them all over at once using something like pokebank for example?

I think you can try using My Pokemon Ranch. I don't know exactly how that thing works, but it might help you.

1 Answer

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The actual trading interface remained largely the same throughout the series's first four generations: Each player selects one Pokémon from their party to offer for trade; once decided, they can review the stats (and, when applicable, Ability or item) of the other Pokémon before confirming or cancelling the trade. The player may perform multiple trades in a row.
It is not possible to trade Pokémon stored in the PC in these generations, so they must be placed in the party prior to speaking with the receptionist at a Pokémon Center.

There are no (legitimate) third party tools that can trade Pokemon in a PC in HGSS, as My Pokemon Ranch is compatible only with DPPt.
So no. sorry.
