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I am a hackmons player. thru and thru. My electrify + lightingrod Mewtwo Y needs some special attack that gives some restoration. So, I'm unsure which one of the aforementioned moves to use. Giga drain has more power, but draining kiss heals you for 75% as opposed to 50%.

Edit: Sorry I forgot about oblivion wing

I don't think Mewtwo needs any kind of healing. Just attack the opponent and you should be fine.

2 Answers

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Are you able to use moves from the Lets Go! partner Pokemon? If so, use Partner Eevee's Bouncy Bubble instead. BP of 90, heals for 50% of damage inflicted, and has similar BP to the other moves. Not sure how Water typing would factor into your team's coverage needs, but it's also good neutral coverage.

Oblivion Wing is a good alternative, but as a Signature Move it may not function on other Pokemon than the one it was designed for (Yveltal). That's a feature of the move itself, so it being in Hackmons wouldn't make it possible. The test is whether or not Smeargle can Sketch it and use it. If it does work, you'll heal 75% of damage dealt, the highest of the "draining" moves.

If those fail, go with Giga Drain. BP of 75 is nothing to sneeze at, and you can't go wrong with Grass typing.

Draining Kiss is kinda not viable on high level Pokemon. It's BP is only 40, which is kind of a joke. It just doesn't hit hard enough, even with a SpAtk focused Pokemon, to be relevant. Ice Shard and Mach Punch only see use due to their Priority.

Bouncy Bubble doesn't exist in USM, so it's illegal in Hackmons.
Also, Oblivion Wing is legal in Hackmons. As far as I know, every move that existed in Gen 7 is viable to put onto any pokemon, so as sumwum stated, Bouncy Bubble is illegal
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It depends on the type of your Pokemon if it would get STAB but I’ll rather go with DRAINING KISS as it covers the same number as super effectiveness as giga drain and could be an all rounder even though it’s less than GIGA DRAIN
