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2 votes

Also list those those that do not change anything and also count different Pokemon that have the same base form but of a different variant. Eg cofagrigus and runeirigus.

working on it

1 Answer

3 votes

Rattata Alolan: no differences.
Raticate/Raticate Alolan:
55 -> 75 HP
81 -> 71 Atk
60 -> 70 Def
50 -> 40 SpA
70 -> 80 SpDef
97 -> 77 Spe

Raichu/Raichu Alolan:
90 -> 85 Atk
55 -> 50 Def
90 -> 95 SpA
80 -> 85 SpDef

Sandshrew/Sandshrew Alolan:
85 -> 90 Def
20 -> 10 SpA
30 -> 35 SpDef

Sandslash/Sandslash Alolan:
110 -> 120 Def
35 -> 25 SpA
55 -> 65 SpDef

Vulpix(Alolan): No differences
Ninetales/Ninetales Alolan:
76 -> 67 Atk
100 -> 109 Spe

Diglett/Diglett Alolan:
25 -> 35 Def
95 -> 90 Spe
Dugtrio/Dugtrio Alolan:
50 -> 60 Def
120 -> 110 Spe

Meowth/Meowth Alolan:
45 -> 35 Atk
40 -> 50 SpA
Persian/Persian Alolan:
70 -> 60 Atk
65 -> 75 SpA

Geodude/Geodude Alolan: no differences
Graveler/Graveler Alolan: no differences
Golem/Golem Alolan: no differences

Grimer/Grimer Alolan: no differences
Muk/Muk Alolan: no differences

Exeggutor/Exeggutor Alolan:
95 -> 105 Atk
55 -> 45 Spe

Marowak/Marowak Alolan: no differences

Galar mons

Meowth/Meowth Galar:
40 -> 50 HP
45 -> 65 Atk
35 -> 55 Def
90 -> 40 Spe

65 -> 70 HP
70 -> 110 Atk
60 -> 100 Def
65 -> 50 SpA
65 -> 60 SpDef
115 -> 50 Spe

Ponyta/Ponyta Galar: no differences
Rapidash/Rapidash Galar: no differences

Slowpoke/Slowpoke Galar: no differences
Slowbro/Slowbro Galar:
75 -> 100 Atk
110 -> 95 Def
80 -> 70 Spe

Farfetch'd/Farfetch'd Galar:
90 -> 95 Atk
60 -> 55 Spe

Weezing/Weezing Galar: no differences

Mr. Mime/Mr. Mime Galar:
40 -> 50 HP
45 -> 65 Atk
100 -> 90 Def
120 -> 90 SpDef
90 -> 100 Spe

Corsola/Corsola Galar:
65 -> 60 HP
95 -> 100 Def
95 -> 100 SpDef
35 -> 30 Spe

Zigzagoon/Zigzagoon Galar: no differences
Linoone/Linoone Galar: no differences

Darumaka/Darumaka Galar: no differences
Darminatan/Darmanitan Galar: no differences
Darmanitan Zen Mode/Darmanitan Zen Mode Galar:
30 -> 160 Atk
105 -> 55 Def
140 -> 30 SpA
105 -> 55 SpD
55 -> 135 Spe

Yamask/Yamask Galar:
30 -> 55 Atk
55 -> 30 SpA
50 -> 95 Atk
95 -> 50 SpA

Stunfisk/Stunfisk Galar:
66 -> 81 Atk
84 -> 99 Def
81 -> 66 SpA
99 -> 84 SpD

I'm gonna recheck for any possible mistakes (for example skipping a Pokemon or accidentally writing HP instead of Def or something like that).

Ive looked through this and the ones I found some wrong ones by adding up the stats listed and comparing them. If they are not equal then they are listed since each buff and nerf are meamt to balance eachother out at zero-
By this logic no regional form changes anything. Why didn't you specify base stat total?
For all of them I added up the listed base stats
For sandslash the total amount that you listed was  110,35 55 which adds up to 200 but for alolan sandslash it was 120,25,65 which adds up to 210.
They need to balance out
E.g a pokemon with this set of stats:
And its alola form has this
The differences being:
Both add up to 170 and are equal.
Sorry if my wording is a bit off for both comments.
again i said at the end "I'm gonna recheck for any possible mistakes (for example skipping a Pokemon or accidentally writing HP instead of Def or something like that)." at Sandslash i said 35 -> 25 instead of 45 -> for ex

Wanna do this later though