PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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The title pretty says it all. Usually this will be most because of the Eviolite, like in cases of Chansey and Dusclops. And there maybe are Pokémon like Scizor, who don’t gain any stat points on evolution, so their previous form might be better, when you break it down to types and moves.
(But Scizor is obviously more powerful then Scyther.)

I want a full list of every Pokémon more powerful then their evolved forms, and why that is, wether it is held item, typing, etc. I would also appreciate what format that Pokémon excels at.


By stronger do you mean more offensively threatening or better at what they do than their evolved forms if their evolved forms do the same things they do?
Yes; I mean they are better doing what they do then their evolved forms are.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

All Pokemon that can evolve are better at using Eviolite than their evolved forms. More notable uses are Chansey, Dusclops, Porygon2, Doublade, and Corsola-G.

All (non-banned) base forms are better in LC than their evolved forms. All (non-banned) Pokemon that can still evolve are better in NFE than their evolved forms.

All Pokemon that can evolve are better than their evolved forms if the evolved forms are banned from a tier, and the pre-evolved Pokemon is not.

Charizard is better as a special attacker than Mega Charizard X.

Pidgeot + a boosting item (Life Orb, Choice Band...) is a better physical attacker than Mega Pidgeot. (Thanks SSuperiority!)

Any FEAR employer is better than their evolved forms for that specific use only.

Hope I helped! If any others come to mind, I'll add them. Please tell me any I'm missing.

edited by
Regular Pidgeot with a boosting item is a better physical attacker than Mega Pidgeot
Ok, thanks! This is helpful, and I might end up using the Pokémon listed at one point! Well, definitely Dusclops, he is one of my favorite Pokémon.
Glad I helped!
Focus Sash / Endeavor / (Quick) Attack / Rattata

Use a weak Pokemon with a focus sash. Opponent attacks, you use Endeavor, bringing them to 1 HP. Then use Quick Attack to finish them off.