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1 vote

Little sister wants to do a battle. Just wondering.


2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

you can attach as many energies as you want

I tested this on Pokemon TCG Online and this is correct so why is this down voted?
I'm pretty sure ( Although I honestly have no clue, just pretty sure ) that shinyskarmory answered after me, giving the same answer, with less details making it a repeat answer.
Your answer doesn't even say that. It looks as if you just copyed and pasted some random nonsense
2 votes

" 306 - Energy

306.1 Energy is attached to Pokémon to enable the use of attacks. Once attached, Energy is not
removed unless a modifier or rule calls for it.

306.2 A player may attach one Energy card from their hand per turn to one of their Pokémon in play.
306.3 If a Special Energy card provides multiple types of Energy, it provides all of those types simultaneously. A player cannot choose the type of Energy it provides.

Example: You have a Pokémon with two Basic Energy and a Double Rainbow Energy attached. Your opponent has a Typhlosion (Diamond & Pearl: Mysterious Treasures) and attacks with Evaporating Heat . Since the Double Rainbow Energy is providing Energy (because it provides all types simultaneously), it must be discarded since it is the only valid selection for the effect.
Double Rainbow Energy

Double Rainbow Energy can be attached only to an Evolved Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex). While in play, Double Rainbow Energy provides every type of Energy but provides 2 Energy at a time. (Has no effect other than providing Energy.) Damage done to your opponent’s Pokémon by the Pokémon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is reduced by 10 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). When the Pokémon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is no longer an Evolved Pokémon, discard Double Rainbow Energy.

Typhlosion ( , 110 HP) Evaporating Heat (60)
Discard a Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.

306.4 Something that selects a “basic [type] Energy” cannot select a Special Energy card. "

" 301 - Attachments

301.1 Each attachment performs a continuous check throughout the game to see if its Pokémon is still a valid target for the attachment. These checks occur even in the middle of resolving a game action. If a Pokémon ceases to be a valid target for the attachment, the attachment is detached and discarded.

Example: You have an evolved Pikachu with a Double Rainbow Energy attached. You evolve Pikachu into Raichu ex. Double Rainbow Energy cannot be attached to Pokémon-ex. Since Raichu ex no longer fulfills the requirement for attaching Double Rainbow Energy, the Double Rainbow Energy is detached and discarded.

Example 2: You have an Active Luxray (Diamond & Pearl) with two basic Energy and a Double Rainbow Energy attached. You have a Raichu ex on the Bench. You attack with Lightning Star and move all Energy attached to Luxray to Raichu ex. You must move the Double Rainbow Energy as ---
well, because it is providing Energy
(306.3) and is required to be moved by the attack’s effect. Once the Double Rainbow Energy is moved to Raichu ex, it no longer meets the attachment requirements, so it gets detached and discarded.

Example : You have a Kirlia in play with a Double Rainbow Energy attached. You play Surprise! Time Machine (EX: Team Rocket Returns) and devolve Kirlia into Ralts. At this point, the Double Rainbow Energy is discarded, because Ralts is no longer a valid target for the attachment. This occurs even though you are in the middle of resolving the effect of Surprise! Time Machine.
Double Rainbow Energy

Double Rainbow Energy can be attached only to an Evolved Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex). While in play, Double Rainbow Energy provides every type of Energy but provides 2 Energy at a time. (Has no effect other than providing Energy.) Damage done to your opponent’s Pokémon by the Pokémon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is reduced by 10 (before applying Weakness and Resistance). When the Pokémon Double Rainbow Energy is attached to is no longer an Evolved
Pokémon, discard Double Rainbow Energy.

Luxray ( , 120 HP) Lightning Star (80)
Move all Energy attached to Luxray to 1 of your Benched Pokémon. (Ignore this effect if you don’t have any Benched Pokémon.)
Surprise! Time Machine
Choose 1 of your Evolved Pokémon, remove the highest Stage Evolution card from it, and shuffle it into your deck (this counts as devolving that Pokémon). If that Pokémon remains in play, search your deck for an Evolution card that evolves from that Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon (this counts as evolving that Pokémon). Shuffle your deck afterward. "

These are all of the rules concerning Energies and attachments and what their Use is, And overall the Answer is that there is no Limit to the energies you can attach to a Pokemon.

For anymore info on it, and to see my source, Look Here

YOu didnt answer his question :P
Plus I answered it well enough......10 days earlier than you :P you were uh a little late there.