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What are all of the Pokemon that block you from going further unless you use a specific item on them.(Snorlax, sudowoodo, psyduck. etc.)

The Hoenn games have Kecleon.
There are a lot in the Alola games that don't require an item to be used on them, but instead they don't move until you beat a trial or something
In Galar on Rt. 8, a Crustle appears in the northwest, blocking the narrow path leading to TM43. It does not respawn.

Also, in LGPE, two Snorlax block the road on Rt. 12 and 16 respectively.
Oh, I remember the Crustke, but I don’t think it counts

2 Answers

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Here's all of the blocking Pokemon that I can think of:
-Snorlax in the Kanto games
-Sudowoodo in Johto blocking Ecruteak City until you get the Sprinkling Bottle from the Flower Girl in NE Goldenrod City post-Whitney
((Maybe you would count Ampharos in Olivine City until you get the SecretPotion from the Cianwood City Pharmacy post-Chuck))
-Kecleon in Fortree City until after you talk to Steven and battle/catch the Kecleon on Route 120 and get the Devon Scope
-Psyduck in Sinnoh's Route 210 until you get the SecretMedicine from Cynthia after beating the fleeing Team Galactic Grunt post-Crasher Wake
-Crustle that Colress clears on Route 4 in Black/White 2 which you need to save the stolen Pokemon from Team Plasma post- Burgh
-Snorlax again in Kalos on the bridge on Route 7 until you retrieve the Poke Flute from Parfum Palace

I have a feeling I'm forgetting some, but that's all of them that come to mind

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Gen 1 - snorlax
Gen 2 - sudowoodo
Gen 3 - kecleon
Gen 4 - psyduck
Gen 5 - crustle
Gen 6 - snorlax (again)
Gen 7 - trial/totem technically
Gen 8 - wooloo
Gen 9 - the Pokemon in the bluberry dlc you fight before terapagos
(glimmora/ gargarnacl/ noivern)
