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I don't understand huge power only makes its stats 100 at base which isn't that high.

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Huge power doesn't double its user's base stat. It doubles the user's total stat after all the evs, ivs, nature, level, blahh blahh blahh, whatever. In Azumarill's case, it normally has two hundred eighteen attack stat with adamant nature and huge power doubles that. While that isn't impressive on its own, the real kicker is its access to belly drum which raises its attack stat by six stages. Speed would normally be an issue but Azumarill also has access to aqua jet which means that once its attack is maxed out, it can pick off faster threast especially if they're weakened. There's also the fact that Azumarill is also a fairy type, a perfectly balanced and not broken at all type

Belly drum isn't its only option either because it can also use choice band and just spam its attacks. Even those that can answer its stabs would get irritated by knock off. Though, belly drum and choice band are its only two choices

This mon is complete garbage in ou as well. With all the Tapu Lele's blocking its aqua jets, Azumarill is just complete dead weight. That's why its ranked in uu as well and it's not that great either. B rank is good but that usually translates to having to build a team around it rather than being a common addition to a team and it also means that its only good under specific circumstances. In doubles like dou or vgc, don't use this thing. It's utter dead weight

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