PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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In order to catch a wild Blastoise you need to perform the Mew glitch as usual, but instead of battling the swimmer in the Cerulean Gym or youngster on route 25, you need to find a group of 4 trainers standing in a line on route 8 and battle the 2nd trainer from the bottom on the line with 3 Meowths. Then continue the glitch as normal and a wild Blastoise should appear instead on Mew. If you've already fought this trainer, you can also catch a Pokemon and train it until it Special stat is 28 (there will be a different Pokemon otherwise) and battle a ditto which copies your special stat when it uses transform. Defeat it and continue the glitch as normal to encounter a wild Blastoise.


Hope this helps.

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I've been researching to answer this for over an hour...

I'll add that if you've already fought this trainer, you can do a similar thing but instead obtain a Pokemon with a Special stat of 28, and fight a Ditto. Let it transform into you, and then either defeat it or run away.

It's also interestingly easier to get Blastoise than Squirtle or Wartortle, as their index numbers are 177 and 179
Thanks, I've edited so it's part of the answer