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Adaptability is the only ability that grants 2x bonus for STAB.

There are also some abilities that grant a second 50% boost to specific types.

  • Steely Spirit (Steel) Perrserker
  • Steelworker = Steel (Dhelmise)
  • Dragon's Maw = Dragon (Regidrago)
  • Transistor = Electric (Regieleki)
  • Rocky Payload = Rock (Bombirdier w/Rock Tera Type)
  • Toxic Boost = Physical Normal moves (Zangoose)
  • Flare Boost = Special Ghost moves (Drifblim line)


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Below are some other abilities that increase the power of moves by 50% (essentially the equivalent of STAB):

Steely Spirit = Steel (Perrserker)
Steelworker = Steel (Dhelmise)
Dragon's Maw = Dragon (Regidrago)
Transistor = Electric (Regieleki)
Rocky Payload = Rock (Bombirdier) w/Rock-Tera
Toxic Boost = Phys. Moves [Normal] (Zangoose)
Flare Boost = Spec. Moves [Ghost] (Drifblim line)
Technician = 60bp moves or weaker [various] (various)
Sharpness = "Slicing" Moves [various] (Samurott-H / Veluza / Gallade / Kleavor)
Flash Fire = Fire "if hit by one" (various)
Would that mean for moves that already have STAB, the move is now boosted 2.25x?