PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So I've recently started getting serious about playing competitively in SV. I've been breeding Pokemon with perfect/0 IVs, but I've never been able to wrap my head around the math...

My question is, what are the chances of hatching a perfect IV and 0 attack IV mon from parents with 4 and 5 IVs?
For reference this is what their stats look like:
Parent 1 holding an everstone: 31/31/31/Decent/Decent/31
Parent 2 holding a destiny knot: 31/31/Decent/31/31/31

This is also the type of mon where you can't breed its pre-evolution sadly

Thanks in advance :)

I feel that calculators give very varied answers, but it is definitely best to get 6 IV Pokémon from 5IV parents. You should try to breed another Parent 1 from the two to get a 5 IV parent before you try for 6 IVs, your chances will be much better.

1 Answer

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3 stats are guaranteed if passed down to have perfect IVs.


3 stats have a 50% chance if passed down to have perfect IVs


After this, you have a 1 in 32 chance of the 6th stat passed down to be perfect.

  • You have a 1 in 171 chance to get a 6IV Egg.
  • You have a 1 in 38 chance to get a 5IV Egg that's missing Attack.
  • You have a 1 in 20 chance to get a 5IV Egg that's missing Special Attack.

The chances of getting a 6IV Egg increase to 1 in 96 if you gain a 5IV Egg that has Defense IVs of the appropriate gender and breed that with the other 5IV parent. You'd have to evolve it (based on your description), but that's not hard to do, I imagine.

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