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Hi I am trying to make sense out of the distribution table from the link below. If I have 6 of the same Pokemon with same natures. All six of them have only two perfect IVs each. Attack and Defense. For the remaining four IVs is questionable and is difficult to figure out.
Can I judge by their hidden power type? For instance if their HP type is Dark that means that mon may be better than other 5? With dragon HP type being respectively second best? Is this accurate way to judge without knowing the other four IVs? TIA


If a Pokemon has dark hidden power, that just means all of its IVs are odd. You'll want something else to narrow it down further, like this: https://www.metalkid.info/Pokemon/Calculators/IV.aspx
Might want to specify which game this is for, since Hidden Power is no longer a thing
Judging from the questions you post about it, I guess you have an investment in teambuilding in Gen 4. If I'm right, then I highly highly recommend you learn RNG manipulation. It will save you an ineffable amount of time, provide much better results than you could reasonably expect otherwise, and take all the guesswork out of IVs etc. because you'll know the exact Pokemon that will appear for your seed + frame. https://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/
sumwun- thanks so much for the link. that link is amazing and very helpful
PhailRaptor- ahhh yes this is for gen4 soul silver and platinum
Fizz- thanks, ill look into it
sumwun, just to confirm- since i have to fill out ivs for level 1-10 to narrow down its true stats, if i give the pokemon exp share to level up quickly instead of giving it rare candies, it will not change anything? Since ev training may differ
Yeah you should avoid exp. share when doing this. Another thing you can do is feed it EV berries to reset the EVs.

1 Answer

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According to the link in your own question, a Pokemon's hidden power type depends only on whether its IVs are even or odd and nothing else, so a Pokemon with perfect IVs has the exact same hidden power type (specifically dark) as a Pokemon whose IVs are all 1. Additionally, there are only 16 hidden power types and 26 = 64 ways to have even or odd IVs, so different permutations of even or odd IVs result in the same hidden power type. For example, if your Pokemon has dragon hidden power, that means its IVs can be O/O/E/O/O/O, E/E/O/O/O/O, O/E/O/O/O/O, or E/O/O/O/O/O.

IV calculators are easier to use if your Pokemon has no EVs. EVs and IVs both affect stats, so if you know that your Pokemon has 0 EVs, you can more easily use its stats to narrow down the set of possible IVs. You can get a high level Pokemon with no EVs by using rare candies, the day care, or EV lowering berries.

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