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3 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Iron Leaves, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Iron Leaves Pokédex and learnset for reference.

Iron Leaves sprite

Aside from being very Tera reliant this thing seems pretty good
is iron leaves really this unpopular lmao, 0 answers while walking wake has 4
"Justice" for Iron Leaves

5 Answers

1 vote

Iron Leaves @ Choice Band/Choice Scarf
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Psyblade
- Close Combat
- Night Slash

A wallbreaker with fantastic coverage. Grass/Psychic/Fighting gives you pretty much perfect coverage aside from Gholdengo, which Night Slash deals with (though you need Choice Band to break physically defensive builds). Tera Fighting gives you STAB close combat and a resistance to bug and dark, which is especially important considering how it dies to the very common U-turn and sucker punch. Tera Dark is also an option to hit Gholdengo and Skeledirge harder, as well as resisting ghost moves, but the weakness to U-turn is devastating. Choice Scarf can be used to outspeed common threats, but its STAB moves aren't that strong and it loses some wallbreaking power, especially if the opponent terrastallizes.

That’s pretty useful. Thank you.
0 votes

This is my first time doing one of these so I here I go. I will do a tera raid build because I'm not that good with competitive. I hope that is allowed!

Tera Raid Build

Iron Leaves @ Sitrus Berry/Booster Energy/Leftovers/Muscle Band
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Psychic
EV's: 252 Atk/252 HP/4 SpD
Adamant Nature
IV's: 0 SpA

Swords Dance
Leaf Blade
Electric Terrain - If you are holding Booster Energy use Sacred Sword/Close Combat/Brick Break. This will result in Psyblade losing its 50% boost however.

Other contending moves:

Solar Blade: Powerful but it requires 1 turn to charge without Harsh Sunlight
Wild Charge: Gets boosted from Electric Terrain but you take damage
Night Slash

I use Electric Terrain on my Iron Leaves for boosted Psyblade and Pokemon that use Yawn/Spore on me.

nice try for a first!
even i dont understand what youre talking about
0 votes

Iron Leaves @ Twisted Spoon
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 At/252 Spd/4 HP
Adamant Nature
-Leaf Blade
-Swords Dance
-Electric Terrain

This set was my friend's idea and he asked me to post it. The main point of this set is to set up with Swords Dance and Electric Terrain, then sweep with Psyblade or Leaf Blade. With +2 atk, quark drive AND electric terrain, Psyblade pretty much one shots anything (except dark types obviously). And if you face a dark type, leaf blade can come in and sweep for you.

That's actully a good build with so high attack stat but i don't understand why you choose 252 SpD in your EV:s.
He probably mixed up "SpD" with "Spe".
Oh I see
0 votes

National Dex Monotype Swords Dance (Psychic)

Iron Leaves @ Psychium Z
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 96 HP / 160 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Psyblade
- Leaf Blade
- Close Combat

This is a Swords Dance set Iron Leaves can use on Psychic Screens HO in National Dex Monotype. Iron Leaves is a nice wallbreak that makes the Electric matchup more bearable for Psychic teams. Iron Leaves is also useful for the Water and Ground matchups. Swords Dance is used to make Iron Leaves' attacks stronger. Psyblade is used for Psychic STAB that gets a 1.5x boost should it be used when Electric Terrain is up. Leaf Blade is used for a Grass STAB that has a nice chance to land a critical hit. Close Combat provides coverage against Steel-types such as Kingambit, Heatran, Ferrothorn, Iron Treads, Celesteela, and Melmetal. Psychium Z provides Iron Leaves with a one-time nuke Psychic move.

The given EV spread makes Iron Leaves get a speed boost when Electric Terrain is up provided you didn't use Swords Dance before Tapu Koko comes out. If you want to have a +2 Attack and a Speed Boost when Electric Terrain is up, have Iron Leaves use Swords Dance while Electric Terrain is up or you predict your opponent hard switching into Tapu Koko. If you use Swords Dance before Electric Terrain gets setup, Iron Leaves will get an Attack boost instead, so keep that in mind.

Good build. But you can't use Z-moves in Gen 9, when Iron Leaves was released. So I would try with a different Held Item.
...This is for a National Dex format on the Battle Simulator called Pokemon Showdown. National Dex formats allow Z-moves, so Psychium Z works since this set is for National Dex Monotype.
0 votes

Iron Leaves @ Electric Seed/ Choice Band/ Choice Scarf/ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Fighting/Psychic/Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe Or EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Psyblade
- Close Combat/ Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade/ Trailblaze
- Swords Dance/ Night Slash

Psyblade: It's strongest (and only) Psychic type move of which doubles in Electric Terrain. This move otherwise does average damages with low coverage.

Close Combat: It's strongest Fighting type move at the cost of its defenses (which doesn't matter since it's defensive stats are alr low). This move has exceptionally high damage and good coverage.

Leaf Blade: Strongest Grass type move with a high crit ratio. This has both Average damage and coverage.

Swords Dance: Most reliable set up move. Sharply increase atk (+2)


Psyblade is it's most reliable Psychic type move as it OHKOs Pokemon like Koraiden and Clodsire if they attempt to switch in on it (which isn't likely if under Psychic or Electric Terrain). Close Combat OHKOs dark types like Chi-yu and Kingambit if they attempt to switch on Psyblade while also OHKOing other Pokemon like Iron Bundle, E Killer Arceus (After a Swords Dance iirc), Baxcalibur, Chien-Pao, etc. Leaf Blade gives Iron Leaves a secondary option to hit Clodsire, Palatine, and or Iron bundle. Swords Dance gives itself a huge power boost increasing its capabilities of sweeping.

I prefer max HP instead of power to garentee a speed boost from electric terrain and to increase its survivability. Max power with Trailblaze can be ran instead to maximize its offensive capabilities. However without trailblaze it fails to out speed Koraidon (especially its choice scarf set) . Sacred Sword can be ran over Close Combat to counteract Iron Defense users and cut through Double Dance Miraidon's Electric Seed, but the drawback in power is noticeable and can cost you a lost of OHKO potential. Choice Band is a solid offensive item as it boost its stab moves and CC to stronger heights at the cost of becoming prediction reliant.

Choice Scarf Night Slash gives it as much coverage as humanely possible and now allows it to hit ghost types for super effective damage. However max attack is almost required to run Choice Scarf as otherwise it's lack of strength would be highly noticeable. Booster Energy is another viable option as is still gives Iron Leaves the needed speed boost. However you pretty much have to fully commit to sweeping after getting it on the field as otherwise it'd be useless after being forced out.

Optional Partners
Miraidon and Iron Bundle are its best partners as they both can be used to check off if not most some of Iron Leaves weakness. Defensive Great Tusks is also a good option as it checks and counters a fast majority of Iron Leaves weakness.

If there's anything I missed (which there most likely is) let me know. Hope you enjoy the set(s)!!!

Iron Leaves is in RU