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I’m gonna do my first ORAS playthrough soon and I want to know what Mega Pokémon I can use before the post game to help build my team. What Mega Stones can be found before beating the Champion, and where can they be found?


1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Okay, here goes!

Absolite - Safari Zone West. You need to Acro Bike across some stones
Aerodactylite - Meteor Falls, a few ledges below Zinnia's grandma. Obtainable after the legendary battle in Sootopolis City
Abomasite - Route 123 near the berry trees, after the legendary battle in Sootopolis City
Aggron - Given by Wanda's boyfriend after clearing the rocks in Rusturf Tunnel
Alakazite - Can be bought in the bazaar in Slateport City
Altarianite - A man in front of a house in Lilycove City
Ampharosite - In New Mauville after the legendary battle in Sootopolis
Bannetite - Mt. Pyre east, near the top
Beedrillite - Sea Mauville storage area
Blazikenite - Route 120, given by Steven if Torchic is your starter. Otherwise sold by an old hag in Route 114 after the battle in Sootopolis. Tell the old man you want to buy Fading Fires
Glalite - Obtainable in Shoal Cave's basement in low tide hours
Gyaradosite - Taken from the Poochyena in a fisherman's hut, Route 123
Heracrossite - Small beach area in Route 127
Houndoomite - Near the sand baths in Lavaridge, also after the Sootopolis battle
Kangaskhanite - Left of the Pokemon Center in Pacifidlog, after the legendary battle in Sootopolis
Loppunite - Refer to article I will cite below
Lucarionite - Beat all Master Rank contest spectacular of every category and win against Lisia in a Master Rank contest
Manectite - North end of Cycling Road on Route 110
Mawilite - Route 117 West end
Medichamite - Near the top of Mt. Pyre
Mewtwonite X - On the southwest corner of Littleroot, after the Sootopolis battle
Mewtwonite Y - Left of the Pokemon League entrance
Pidgeotite - Refer to the article I will cite below
Pinsirite - In a hidden area in Route 124. You will need Dive to access it
Red Orb - Given in Sootopolis by Archie (OR) otherwise found atop Mt. Pyre (AS)
Blue Orb - Given in Sootopolis by Archie (AS) otherwise found atop Mt. Pyre (OR)
Sablenite - Near the Cave of Origin's entrance in Sootopolis. Refer to article for more details
Sceptilite - Given by Steven in Route 120 if Treecko is your starter. Otherwise can be purchased from an old hag in Route 114
Scizorite - Petalburg Woods east, after the Sootopolis battle
Steelixite - Granite Cave basement. You will need a Mach Bike to access it
Swampertite - Given by Steven in Route 120 if Mudkip is your starter. Otherwise can be purchased from an old hag in Route 114.
Tyranitarite - Jagged Pass southeast. You will need an Acro Bike to access it and also only obtainable after the Sootopolis Battle
Venusaurite - Under the restoring house on Route 119 after the Sootopolis battle

Also, ones that are obtainable before the E4 But requires special procedures:

Garchompite - Obtainable from Aarune after collecting 1,000 flags from other secret bases in your guild
Glalite - Transferable from the DEMO ver. Of ORAS
Diancite - Transfer an event Diancie from X or Y and put it in your party, then enter a Pokemon Center. A small scene will follow up before obtaining the Diancite

Hope this helped! Please let me know if I missed any or provided miss information/s.

See ya.


edited by
Lol, Garchompite and Lucarionite are so challenging, I know from experience. +1!