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For PokeRadar hunting purposes. I notice that too many patches of grass are too narrow, (shaking patches on the borders have a lower chance of continuing the chain,) and I find that there's not a lot of big open patches.

So based on area, preferably length x width or number of patches, what are the top 10 largest patches of grass in XY?

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Does shape matter? Santalune Forest has a huge connected grass patch but it is an incredibly odd shape.
Unfortunately in XY, shape does matter, because attempting to continue a chain with a border patch has a lower chance of success. But you can break patches off, like the big patch at the right end of the long windy patch is a great example. Try to also only use one patch per route.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Ok, so maybe not necessarily the biggest, but according to this expert's research and documents, these are the top 10 statistically best/easiest routes and grasses to PokeRadar on in XY, easiest to hardest.

  • Route 5: Big patch of purple flowers near Camphrier Town entrance
  • Route 7: Large patch of grass on west side of route.
  • Pokemon Village: Slightly west of center of the location
  • Azure Bay: Big island on west side of map
  • Route 20: Patch of Red Flowers
  • Route 22: Yellow Flowers
  • Route 2: Middle patch of grass
  • Route 16: Yellow flowers below Fisherman's house
  • Santalune Forest: Either big patch on the east side
  • Route 14: First patch of grass

Hope this helped somebody
