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I have more of an offensive and speed playstyle, and I can figure out which Pokemon I should use for this.

no one is making it an answer so I can favorite it :/ Regardless, thank you for the answers, I will use walrien now
you should probably hide this post now
Hiding the post is unnecessary. Someone should just make a more in-depth answer instead to get it off the unanswered list.
and that someone is?

I'll make an answer later today. But yes, Walrein is better.

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Wailord is pretty much completely outclassed by other Waters, while Walrein stands out a bit more with a better movepool, typing, and stats. They're both still far from the greatest Water-types by your criteria, such as Pelipper and Swampert.


Availability: Late
Stats: Above Average
Movepool: Decent
Additional Comments: He comes late, but Water/Ice is a good STAB combo and Walrein is very bulky with decent offensive capabilities.


Availability: Mid-game
Stats: Average
Movepool: Shallow
Additional Comments: It is slow, not overly strong, and by time you can get it you have already seen too many other good options for a strong Water-type.

Also, as Fizz said:

The main reason you shouldn't use Wailord is that it has Fluctuating growth rate, which makes it a terrible experience leech.

While Spheal has a better "Medium-Slow" growth rate.

Hope I helped!


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That source is pretty inaccurate and doesn't explain which moves are useful on Pokemon with "decent" movepools.
ty hallucinogenis