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I'm currently using Haze on Toxapex to stop sweeps, but it isn't really working. Are there any good priority stat re-setters?

Does Parting Shot Grimmsnarl count? Also, Prankster Haze Murkrow exists, but is extremely niche.
I guess, but I would prefer one that completely resets a Sword Dance or Nasty Plot.
I personally think just Unaware would work better, but I'm not up to date with OU recently
Yeah, Unaware is nice. I could have an Unaware Pokemon dedicated to stopping sweeps. I also like using the Pokémon I stop a sweep with to Toxic/Burn Stall afterward.
Skeledirge is great for that.
Hmmm. . . I've never thought of Skeledirge as a burn staller.
you're supposed to get toxapex in before they sweep
I'm talking about good Pokémon to stop a sweep when everything's already gone wrong.
The best I've come up with is Toxapex or Amoongus.
What specific Pokémon usually sweep you? If they use boosted Speed, Prankster Grimmsnarl Thunder Wave is good. Unaware also exists for that exact purpose, on Clodsire, Dondozo, and Skeledirge, which all also have recovery.

1 Answer

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Best answer

To directly answer your question: Murkrow has haze and Prankster as its ability (+ priority on status moves). It's still a decent utility Pokemon (with Tailwind), though not as much with Reg D.

If you were going with singles, you could still use any bulky Pokemon with the moves Roar, Whirlwind, Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, or Clear Smog—which might get you a little more value out of your reset move compared to haze (either with damage or switch out).

Or like other comments suggest, an Unaware Pokemon would great. In addition, any Prankster or very fast Pokemon with stat dropping/status moves (like Parting Shot Grimmsnarl or Thunder Wave Sabeleye or honestly Tornadus/Thunderus are great Prankster Pokemon in general) could work as well.

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Murkrow and Sableye are definitely not viable in OU when they can use a priority status move once and get OHKO'd immediately afterward. Tornadus and Thundurus have better stats, but they're still outclassed by stuff like therian Tornadus, Iron Jugulis, Zapdos, and Sandy Shocks whenever prankster isn't necessary (which is most of the time). I think Garchomp, Toxapex, and Ting-Lu are the only viable stat resetters in OU right now.