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It's fast, it's strong, it has priority, great typing and it has a once per battle revive?

What format are you talking about that Pawmot is not good in?
singles, BSS or smogon
I thought Pawmot was a pretty good Pokémon.
It acts as a noob trap in most tiers with Revival Blessing, but ultimately is pretty bad in most tiers, usually outclassed by Iron Hands or another support 'mon with better bulk.
You'll probably get a better answer if you ask here: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/sv-battle-stadium-forum-rules-simple-questions.3712420/
Apparently it's sometimes viable in both formats. It's just usually outclassed by stuff like Zapdos or Urshifu.
You really need to specify a format for questions like this.
This question needs a more specific format, as there is probably a couple of formats (RU and Monotype on Electric teams?) where Pawmot is good in. Pawmot is probably not that good in a format like OU or UU, so having a specific format helps to answer this question.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Apparently Pawmot has a few niches in both BSS and OU, but it's usually outclassed by Zapdos, Thundurus, Urshifu, and Sneasler in BSS and by Zapdos and Iron Valiant in OU.

For BSS:

I've had lots of trouble with pawmot, but it is frail. And a Tera hog fwiw. It faces competition from those sorts plus the same type iron hands. I guess revival blessing, also only one of two mach punch mons in current dex.


For OU:

Compared to zapdos and valiant, doesnt have good bulk, no boosting move and low speed, his niche is Revival Blessing, so in hyper offense allows you to have one more mon in the fight, also has priority in Mach Punch


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–1 vote

Pawmot was originally in ou due to revival Blessing, however, players decided that pawmot was not worth running for revival Blessing because pawmot is not a great Pokemon , so it dropped to uu, and after home update (I don't know if it dropped before) it dropped to ru, plus power creep was bad this gen, even weavile, one of the best ou mons from last gen is in ru.
So on paper, pawmot is good, but in practice, it sucks.

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Huh? What does health have to do with this?
What do you mean by "However, players decided that an over all bad Pokémon was not worth half of a good Pokémon's health"? What does health have to do with Revival Blessing?
Alright I changed it to: however, players decided that pawmot was not worth running for revival Blessing because pawmot is not a great Pokemon
at least that's better
All you’re saying is that Pawmot went through New Toy Syndrome, but you haven’t explained exactly why.
This answer still doesn't explain why Pawmot "sucks in practice" or why power creep was particularly bad.