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I want to use skill swap golduck with simple on my own kommoo so that it gets a double omni boost from clangorous soul, but will it affect kommoo even when it's behind a substitute?


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Skill Swap fails if the Pokemon:
- Has Wonder Guard, Multitype, Illusion, Stance Change, Schooling, Comatose, Shields Down, Disguise, RKS System, Battle Bond, Power Construct, Ice Face, Gulp Missile, Neutralizing Gas, Zero to Hero, Commander, Protosynthesis, Quark Drive, Orichalcum Pulse, or Hadron Engine as it's ability.

So yes, you can use it on Substitute, I even tested on Showdown! to make sure. (For some reason the Replay isn't working but it's fine)

Hope I Helped!

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